Old Fur Boards Help Preserve Happy Memories

D&DH Reader Ralph Hollin, of Kentucky, shared his innovative approach to
putting his old trapping tools back into commission for deer hunting. Writes Hollin:

“Here is an idea I thought your readers might like. For several years, I have
made plaques for my deer antlers from old barn wood. Several years ago, I
discovered old fur stretchers in the barn. I constructed these fur drying
boards during the early 1950s. My dad had saved my boards for me, but I
realized they were shaped wrong for today’s fur market. I decided to blend
two of my loves together, trapping and deer hunting. Seeing the antlers
mounted on my old fur boards brings back many happy memories of my younger days. I
am 65 years old and I still trap every day of our season.”
Ralph Hollin


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