Are These the Best Mass-Producing Trees for Whitetail Deer?

Just in time for spring planting season in the Southeast, select Walmart stores are receiving Dunstan Chestnut trees and Grafted Female American Persimmon trees courtesy of Chestnut Hill Outdoors.

Chestnut and fruit trees are great sources of food for deer and other wildlife that will last for years with the proper soil testing, planting and care.
Chestnut and fruit trees are great sources of food for deer and other wildlife that will last for years with the proper soil testing, planting and care.

Ideal for wildlife, Dunstan Chestnuts have been called the best food plot tree. They’re easy to grow and produce nuts in just three to five years, and because the trees available at Walmart are either two or three years old (your choice), they’ll begin producing chestnuts in just one to three years.

Planting is as simple as digging a hole slightly larger than the root ball, filling the hole with topsoil and applying plenty of water.

Persimmons are like candy to many wildlife species, including white-tailed deer. Persimmon trees are known to bear fruit abundantly and will draw wildlife from long distances.

Like the Dunstan Chestnuts, Persimmons are easy to grow and bear fruit in just a few years. These rapidly growing trees will set your food plot or landscape apart.

The trees will be arriving in select Walmart stores March 7-13 in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas.

Shipping to select Walmart stores in Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia will begin in late March; while stores in Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Wisconsin will occur in late April or early May.

Chestnut Hill Outdoors is the exclusive producer of Dunstan Chestnuts, the most widely planted chestnuts in America thanks to their proven blight resistance and superior nut quality.

These trees are extremely popular and will sell out quickly, so be sure to get yours early.

To find out more about chestnuts, check out the Chestnut Hill Outdoors website at

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