On the popular TV Series, Whitetail Freaks, hosts Don and Kandi Kisky and their team members meticulously manage every detail of their hunting properties – from what they plant to the specific deer they harvest – with the singular goal of producing habitat that supports mature, trophy bucks. The Kisky’s formula works.
With a bevy of Boone & Crockett bucks to their credit, including several scoring in the 170s, 180s and 190s – and even a monster grossing 213” – Don and Kandi have shared their greatest hunts and detailed whitetail strategies with television audiences and magazine readers for more than two decades.
Numerous years of bow hunting mature whitetails only have put the Whitetail Freaks in very close contact with the deer they hunt, and they’ve recorded thousands of hours of vocalizations within the herd. The Kisky’s most significant observation is that all real deer sounds are made with inflection.
The sounds aren’t monotone; they fluctuate in tone. Specific inflections depend on the deer’s mood or activity. The most noticeable inflections occur when deer are excited or on the move – two scenarios that are constantly occurring during the whitetail rut. Bucks are in perpetual motion while locating and chasing hot does. Their testosterone levels are peaked, making them both hyperactive and especially vocal.
Flextone, the hunter’s call company, has worked with the extremely detail-oriented Whitetail Freaks Team for the past two years with the goal of designing and building the perfect grunt call – a call that not only makes a full range of realistic deer sounds, but one that allows those sounds to be made with maximum inflection.
New for 2017, the Flextone WTF Grunt’R employs Inflection Chamber Technology to accurately reproduce the natural inflection in sounds made by excited or moving deer. After air is blown over the reed, the sound waves enter an expanded chamber the hunter can compress, expand or bend to instantly change the way the sounds come out of the call.
The chamber can even cut off airflow to emulate the exhausted sounds made by out-of-breath bucks. The advanced and incredibly realistic grunts, roars and snort wheezes made with the WTF Grunt’R are the sounds that draw hard-to-call, mature bucks out of thick cover and into bow range. Additionally, easy-to-use Tru-Touch Buttons on the WTF Grunt’R combine with Flextone’s Inflection Chamber Technology to produce perfect doe and fawn bleats every time.
A mature buck won’t tolerate another aggressive buck in his territory during the pre-rut and rut periods. Try using the WTF Grunt’R along with a buck decoy for amazing results during those time periods. Amp up the inflection in your grunting, then hit him with a loud snort-wheeze.
Flextone has earned its hunter-preferred reputation by constantly pushing the limits of game call design, materials and construction. The Inflection Chamber Technology employed on the new WTF Grunt’R is a game-changer for serious whitetail hunters and casual deer hunters alike. So go ahead: Hit him one more time… with feeling. When he hits the ground you’ll have the Whitetail Freaks and Flextone’s new WTF Grunt’R to thank.
Flextone WTF Grunt’R
- Inflection Chamber Technology for realistic tones
- Tru-Touch Buttons for perfect and consistent doe and fawn sounds
- True-to-life grunts, roars and snort-wheezes
- MSRP: $19.99