Seasoned whitetail hunter Steve Bartylla serves as a personal trainer with his new book, Big Buck Secrets, divulging insider tips on scouting and sharing hunting tactics that will help the average hunter take his or her craft to the next level. Big Buck Secrets, from Krause Publications, is available at www.shopdeerhunting.com.
Calling on more than 20 years of hunting experience and consulting for some of the top outfitters and property owners in the country, Bartylla offers real-word advice that will increase any reader’s ability to kill mature bucks. Unlike the overwhelming majority of “how-to” experts and hunting celebrities, Bartylla’s bucks have all come from stands he personally scouted, a fact that makes Big Buck Secrets a rarity among deer hunting tactics books.
“It doesn’t matter if you have 20 acres or 2,000, you’ll learn how to be a better hunter and land manager if you study Steve’s book,” said Deer & Deer Hunting Editor-in-Chief Dan Schmidt. “Bartylla has seen it all when it comes to growing and hunting mature bucks, and he learned the hard way — through trial and error, much of which was learned on public ground. His latest book is a must-have when it comes to truly understanding why, when and how big bucks alter their patterns based off of hunting pressure and land management techniques. Treat this book as a graduate class in how to fill your tag each season.”

Readers will find comprehensive instruction on calling strategies, understanding mature buck behavior, hunting during the rut, how to use decoys and more. Discover how Bartylla’s in-depth knowledge of whitetail behavior and his ability to seek out pockets where mature bucks exist equate to frequent success in the field.
Big Buck Secrets readers will learn how to better understand mature buck habits and doe group behavior and use it to their advantage. Chapters also cover factors to consider on every hunt, such as how weather affects and influences big buck movement, and how to scout new areas.
Bartylla also offers his innovative stand placement techniques, which are sure to transform readers’ hunting strategies. High-quality images throughout and numerous detailed aerial photographs with graphics help explain stand placement and setups used by Bartylla to take many of his trophy whitetails.
Take advantage of Bartylla’s extensive experience hunting public lands and do-it-yourself hunting expertise by picking up a copy of Big Buck Secrets today.