Father’s Day is near and that means a lot of dads will be opening boxes or bags containing socks, ties, belts and another flashlight to stick in the garage with the others he got for Christmas.
Don’t go there. Please. Give your deer hunting dad something he can use and enjoy for years. He’ll appreciate it more if your gift is something he can use during hunting season or at home with the family.
Check out these gift ideas, which are available in ShopDeerHunting.com:
Weston Pro 2300 Vacuum Sealer: This baby is a stud horse among the fillies, one your dad will be glad to have and use for many years. It has a heavy-duty design and will keep your venison fresh in the freezer so you can enjoy burgers, roasts and more well after the season is over. Buy Now
Smokey’s Preorbital Gland Lure: Extracted from real deer, this powerful lure is a must-have for freshening up licking branches over existing scrapes or your mock scrape. Bucks rub their head on branches and leave scent from their orbital glands, so you’ll be using the real deal. Buy Now
Vero Velini Wide Top Sling: Keep your rifle or shotgun on your shoulder without it sliding off with this super sling. It’s designed with Cordura and neoprene, has piped edges to prevent fraying and some models have a wide top, at the shoulder, for added security. Available in black, camouflage and wide or thin styles. Buy Now
DDH Whitetail Behavior DVD: One of the most outstanding DVDs available about the nation’s most popular game animal. We love hunting, studying and watching deer, and this super compilation gives you insights on deer behavior with exclusive footage from DDH TV through four seasons. Buy Now
DDH Logo T-Shirt: This comfortable cotton t-shirt features the Deer & Deer Hunting logo, so all your hunting buddies and friends will be jealous when they see it. Why? Because it’s cool, like you. They’re on sale, too, so buy more than one. Because you want more than one. Buy Now