If you’re skeptical about using lures for mock scrapes, drag lines or with scent bombs, check out these results from a diehard hunter.
ARA Staffer Ross Crane took this buck on his club lease in Sandersville, Ga. He used a combination of Smokey’s Deer Lures Doe in Heat Lure and Rut-N-Buck Lure.
Smokey’s lures are obtained from glands from bucks and does, bottled in glass so they don’t lose potency and are effective. For example, the Pre-Orbital gland lure is great for use with mock scrapes and the licking branch over them. Research proves that the licking branch is the No. 1 key to success when hunting a mock scrape.
The key to that licking branch is preorbital scent. Bucks secrete this scent as a means of distinctly identifying themselves from the “competition.” In layman’s terms, it allows deer to understand their rank in the pecking order.
Learn more about Smokey’s Pre-Orbital gland lure here and get yours so you’ll be ready when the season rolls around.
I used Smokey’s Pre-orbital this year and definitely had action on those mock scrapes. I’ll be using it again this year.