The few times I’ve been able to get out and about for predators with guides have been non-stop learning lessons about setups, calls and the wariness of coyotes and bobcats.
Experience is the best teacher, of course, and fumbling around making mistakes on your own definitely helps you learn what to do or not do in the future. Going with experienced hunters or guides who have years of experience magnifies these learning lessons, but only if you truly listen and want to learn. It’s similar to going with a fishing guide; you can enjoy the day casting and catching fish and just being there, or maybe use the trip to really hone in on why walleye are doing what they’re doing or bass are around docks at that time of the season, or how to rig specific baits. The same applies with predator hunting.
At some point, almost everyone wants to strike out on their own. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to have some success. Remember those early days of hunting or fishing when you did both? Sure, and with predators that have uber-keen eyesight, hearing and sense of smell, it’s smart to have the best calls and decoys you can use to increase your odds.
Check out these great tips for a standard coyote setup from JD Piatt, the ICOtec Prostaff Director, world coyote vocalization champion and veteran predator trapper and hunter.
One lesson I learned while hunting with Cory Lundberg a few years ago in Wyoming is that a decoy helps tremendously. Lundberg used a simple coat hanger with a white feather attached to it by a string. The feather twirled and was to take the coyote’s eyes to it, instead of us. Pretty doggone smart.

You can do the same with the ICOTec GC320 combo package that features a great call with remote control capabilities and an eye-appealing decoy. The GC320 has 24 calls, and allows two calls to be played at once. The included AD400 Decoy has a dial control to set the speed so you can make it wiggle-jiggle or really get going, as if a frantic critter is in trouble.
The GC320 Electronic Predator Call/Decoy Combo utilizes remote control technology that functions up to 300 yards with no line-of-sight required to activate the main speaker and decoy. Check it out and then head to the woods for predator hunting you may get hooked on for years.
ICOtec GC320 Electronic Predator Call/Decoy Combo Features:
Up to 300 yard remote control range
No line-of-sight required to activate the unit or decoy
Play 2 calls at the same time
24 high quality proven predator calls
External speaker jack for added volume for extreme requirements
Unit requires 4 AA batteries (1.5 volt), not included
Remote comes with a 23A battery
Decoy requires 4 AA batteries (1.5 volt), not included
Electronic predator decoy (ICOtec model AD400)
2 quick-change prey toppers
LED light for topper illumination
Speed dial control
Separate power source for longer run time
Quiet motor, no gear noise
Intermittent life-like motion
One year factory warranty