Ever had a great deer hunting location and wanted to put a camera there, but the trees were about as gnarly as Grandpa Fester’s overgrown orchard where hobgoblins lived?
You may have tried rigging up a camera anyway. On a funky tree. On a post. Upside down hanging off a limb. Something. Zip ties and bungee cords? Maybe.
Big Game Treestands has several new and updated versions in their Eyecon Trail Cameras. One of the absolute coolest features is a pivoting head, which means you can secure the camera mount to the tree with the “dig in” teeth on the bracket, hang the camera, pivot the head to what you want to photograph, and then check that spot with a laser in the camera to make sure it’s set up right.
Dang. Pretty smart, eh? Here’s the skinny from Eyecon:
Eyecon Trail Cameras have been redesigned with intended ease of use, the ultimate reliability in game cameras, and 100 percent guaranteed satisfaction. Big Game has revamped, remodeled, and reworked its old Eyecon line, streamlining the existing cameras, innovating with two new models, and reentering the market with a collection of six Eyecon Trail Cameras: two new models, The Jag and The Frenzy; two redesigned models, The Mantis II and The Storm II; and two improved favorites, The QuikShot and The Black Widow.

With this improved easy-to-use line of cameras comes the return of Eyecon’s signature, the Pivoting Head Cameras, now extended to three cameras. These have more than 120 degrees of adjustment, laser sight pointing, and offer various placement and usage options. The pivoting head feature allows the user to mount the camera in a variety of positions and places, with no regard to the angle of the tree, limb, roofing, etc.
The laser sight technology allows the user to quickly and easily set the camera to their desired angle once secured, providing an accurate account of the exact location where the camera will be shooting. Use to track game, catch thieves, enjoy nature, or any other use. Shoot from the ground, a post, a difficult to reach tree limb, a rain gutter – the locations are endless.

The Jag is equipped with a bright backlit handheld LED viewing screen, uses Invisi-Flash technology for concealment, and is constructed of a molded non-reflective finish in Epic Camo. Delivering crisp, high-resolution stills, full-color (day) or monochrome (night) photos and video and exhibiting a trigger speed of 0.8 seconds, this camera does all the work for you.
The Mantis II is a redesign from the 2013 line. It’s been reduced and reconstructed, and its performance is better than ever before. Undetectable with Invisi-Flash technology, a trigger speed of 1.2 seconds, and a molded non-reflective Epic Camo finish. It has a 70-foot flash range.
The Frenzy embodies the essence of simplicity while maintaining top features and specs. Fabricated from a molded black non-reflective finish, the Frenzy has a 70’-foot detection range, a trigger speed of 1.2 seconds, and delivers 5MP photos (full color and monochrome). It has undetectable infrared flash technology and a programmable photo-burst setting up to 1, 3, or 5.
See more about the cameras here.