Another State Joins Wildlife Violator Compact, 40 Now Members

Beginning July 1, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will become a part of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.

The Compact is an agreement between member states that recognizes suspension of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses across state lines. Commissioners from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission approved the effective date for joining the Compact during today’s monthly meeting.

As a member of the Compact, Arkansas will share non-resident violation information with other member states. After the effective date, the AGFC will recognize the suspension of hunting and fishing privileges from other member states.

Member states will, in turn, treat Arkansas resident’s conviction for wildlife offenses as if it had occurred in their state. There are currently 39 states in the compact.

AGFC Director Mike Knoedl said that any person whose license privileges or rights are suspended in a member state may also be suspended in Arkansas.

“This cooperative interstate effort will improve our agency’s ability to protect and manage Arkansas’s wildlife resources,” he added.

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