Anti-hunters and bunny huggers in Nevada are kicking up sand like hot lizards looking for a shady rock, with the Nevada Department of Wildlife and its state commission taking the brunt of their ire.
During a contentious meeting Tuesday, the animal lovers clamored for a merger of the Department of Wildlife into the state’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Failing that, they want seats on the commission to help set wildlife policy.
That would be tantamount to asking Walt Disney for his thoughts on deer hunting after putting out “Bambi.”
“Our wildlife is a treasure,” said Trish Swain, director of TrailSafe Nevada, in this report. “Today’s tourist wants their wildlife alive.”
Not all of them do, especially those those who contribute the millions via legal hunting in the state. Proponents of the current system countered by saying hunters and anglers pay their own way, in almost all instances, through excise taxes that hikers, backpackers, birders and “non-consumptive” users never do.
Read the full story at this link: Click here
Here’s another story with more info on the groups opposing the wildlife commission: Click here
What do you think about state wildlife agencies being comprised of hunters, anglers and, in some states, members of commercial fishing or hunting interests on the wildlife boards? Let us know your thoughts.