Astonishing 260 Inch Baker Buck Shatters State Record

Record Wisconsin Buck
Jim Baker’s astounding nontypical buck grossed more than 260 inches and netted more than 249, shattering the Wisconsin record for a nontypical bow kill.

The Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club has officially panel-scored a state record, non-typical whitetail buck killed by Jim Baker while bowhunting Sept. 18, 2013, in Waukesha County.

Six measurers from the Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club convened to officially score the antlers following a mandatory 60-day drying period. The measurers included:

Ron Strauss, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club
Gerry Wegner, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club, Pope & Young
Zachary Randall, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club
Eli Randall, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club, Pope & Young, Boone & Crockett
Brian Tessman, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club, Pope & Young, Boone & Crockett
Travis Mattison, Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club, Boone & Crockett

The “Jim Baker Buck” has 28 measureable points, a 19 7/8″ inside spread, and 66 6/8″ of abnormal points. It achieved an official non-typical score of 260 5/8″ gross and 249 5/8″ net scorable inches, and is now officially recognized as the current Wisconsin state record for non-typical bucks in the archery records.

The Baker buck surpasses the former non-typical state-record archery buck killed in 2009 by Wayne Schumacher, which scored 243 6/8.

Wisconsin currently ranks number one in Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young record entries.

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