B&C Club Initiative Urges Fair Chase Hunting

A new initiative from the Boone & Crockett Club called Hunt Fair Chase urges hunters to pursue fair chase hunting in all situations along with awareness of public perceptions about hunting, social media and more.

The site, which can be found here, has a wide range of information for hunters and nonhunters. If you’re asking why there’s a site like this, part of their answer is this:

North American sportsmen were the original conservationists and are credited with the most successful wildlife recovery and conservation system in the history of mankind. Pubic stewardship works because those closest to our natural resources have taken responsibility for these resources. This website is intended to celebrate these successes, as well as be a resource for all hunters to:

  • Bring forward the special nature of hunting, share what it means both personally and the responsibilities that go with being a hunter
  • Offer perspectives on hunting and the concept of fair chase as it relates to an overall conservation ethic
  • To have the conversation on why how we hunt matters

Among the things you will find on the Hunt Fair Chase site are its history, partners and stories such as this one about the five stages of hunting. Or this story about our photos and social media sharing impacts upon others.

To find out more, visit HuntFairChase.com.


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