Become a Better Hunter with Turkey & Turkey Hunting Magazine

Turkey season has finally arrived, and Turkey & Turkey Hunting magazine is back with its Spring 2017 issue that’s sure to get you even more fired up for the season.

TURKEY Zink Avian X Half Strut jake decoy scenic1Jam-packed with hard-hitting, practical information, the issue is designed to provide valuable insight you can add directly to your arsenal and take straight into the turkey woods. Whether you’re a seasoned turkey veteran or a rookie, this issue of Turkey & Turkey Hunting, from the publishers of Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, reveals trade secrets from some of the top turkey minds across the nation whose goal is to help you seal the deal on even the most wary longbeard.

Have trouble closing the distance on an open-country tom? Are you uncertain when to use certain turkey calls? Do you know all the different ways a bird’s impeccable senses work against you in the field? No problem, because you’re in the right place — the Spring Issue has you covered.

Issue highlights:

  • Having a solid game plan that evolves with each step you take while turkey hunting can replace indecision with action. Learn how Jim Spencer makes every minute count while chasing spring gobblers.
  • Oklahoma’s popularity as a top turkey destination is rising. Josh Dahlke takes you on a red-dirt adventure with a photo essay on hunting Rios in the Sooner State.
  • Wild turkeys are one of the hardest birds to pursue, thanks in large part to the biology that defines them. Understanding how a turkey’s anatomy and senses all work together — and against you — can make you a better hunter.
  • “Open country” is a relative term that applies as much to cattle pastures tucked neatly into Eastern hardwoods as it does to the Western prairie. Follow along as Mark Kayser details how to pull longbeards out of the open and into range.
  • Ready to learn how the real pros do it? Scott Bestul profiles four veteran turkey killers who share intimate details on how they go about their business each spring.
  • It’s no secret that calling turkeys is a complex and difficult task to master. To simplify the process, Tom Carpenter breaks down calling into four separate stages that will enable you bring more birds to the gun.
  • A new season brings with it new gear. Take a peek at some of the hottest new tools of the trade in the Spring 2017 issue of Turkey & Turkey Hunting.


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