A giant nontypical buck — that has been reportedly gross-scored 244 inches — could be a new record in Wisconsin.

The photo of this buck and hunter is making the email rounds today. It was posted on the Whale Tales website; that’s an archery retailer in Waukesha County outside of Milwaukee.
The Internet has been abuzz this morning with the photos of this nontypical buck, allegedly killed by bowhunter in Waukesha County, Wisconsin.
Photos of this deer were all over Facebook this morning, as well as in several e-mail chain letters. Deer & Deer Hunting reached out to the archery shop listed on the hunter’s T-shirt and on the vehicle in the background of the photo. When contacted, an employee at the shop stated that the hunter didn’t want to share any information about the hunt, or his name. The company’s website includes two photos of this breathtaking buck, including a shot of the rear view of the antlers. The shop’s Facebook page indicates the buck has been gross-scored at 244 inches.
The yellow Wisconsin archery license/tag and metal registration tag on the antler seem to indicate this deer is a legit wild whitetail harvest.
Deeranddeerhunting.com will continue tracking this story and bring you updates when they become available.