Buck Beats Man Who Then Shoots Back

According to a report in the Grand Forks Herald, a Minnesota man received bruises over his arms, shoulders and chest as well as two black eyes when he was attacked by a deer last Thursday. Mark Christianson, 66, had gone outside to spray the soybeans on his farm 10 miles outside of Fertile, Minn. when the eight-point buck came after him.

Christianson says the deer saw him and went straight toward him. Then it stood on its back legs and struck him repeatedly with its front hooves. When it wouldn’t stop, Christianson grabbed the deer and tackled it to the ground.

He later shot the deer with his 30-06 rifle.

The buck had been hanging around for two days prior to the fight. Christianson and his wife had noticed it acting strangely, one time even coming up to the shed Christianson was in and banging its antlers on the wall. All attempts to scare it away were ignored by the deer.

Christianson had contacted the county sheriff’s office and Minnesota DNR about the deer when he first saw it, saying that it looked sick. After it was shot, the carcass was sent to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. Rabies has been ruled out, but specialists will continue to check for chronic wasting disease and other diseases.

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