Chasing Does Causes Giant 166-Inch Buck to Slip Up Near Deer Hunter

Ray McCollum of Alabama with his 13-point that scored 166 3/8.
Ray McCollum of Alabama with his 13-point that scored 166 3/8.

Ray McCollum of Alabama knew he’d just killed a good buck but wasn’t entirely certain how big it was until he got close to it.

Then he realized he’d just dropped the buck of a lifetime.

McCollum’s big 13-point had been chasing does, which came into the field he was overlooking from his stand. When he stepped out about 20 yards away to find the does, the University of Alabama junior, who is majoring in forestry, was ready.

The buck weighed just 155 pounds but scored 166 3/8, his biggest buck ever. It’s a mainframe eight-point with two giant brow tines, three kicker points and an inside spread of easily more than 20 inches.

“I fell in love with deer hunting at a young age and I fell in love with nature,” McCollum told the Trussville Tribune. “It’s just been something I’ve really wanted to do and have something to do with for the rest of my life. It’s something that makes me happy.”


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1 thought on “Chasing Does Causes Giant 166-Inch Buck to Slip Up Near Deer Hunter

  1. Who counted the typical frame points on this deer? The photo shows that it is easily a mainframe 5×5, not a mainframe 8 point. There is also a G5 on its left side, and it looks like there might be on its right side too, but it’s hard to tell. No doubt it’s a gorgeous typical 5×5 with some stickers, maybe more.

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