What a nightmare Thanksgiving holiday for U.S. Marine Corps retired 1st Sgt. Jeromie Slaughter and his family after a planned deer hunting trip turned into an arrest in Mexico on firearms charges.

Nevermind that the 18-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps had two children with him, ages 9 and 14. The 9-year-old? His daughter. Ohhh, they’re terrible gun runners!
And yet the Mexican authorities held them all for hours before releasing the children. Slaughter, 38, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was released late Friday night.
Slaughter said, in the FOX News Latino report, when his family tried to find a Mexican lawyer to represent him, the ones they contacted asked for cash in U.S. dollars to help secure his release, Slaughter’s mother, Beverly McKinney, said.
“A shakedown is what it was,” McKinney told Fox News Latino.
“He knew they were lost, and when he saw the sign that said ‘No guns,’ you know, no weapons, he knew that he had gone too far,” McKinney told Houston television station KPCR-2. She said the Mexican officials refused to let him turn around, even seeing the children in the vehicle, and after the rigorous search found their three deer hunting rifles.
That cinched it. The three were detained. Mexico has severe penalties for entering the country with firearms and ammunition.
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