It’s tough to put a label on Ted Nugent: music icon, diehard hunter, passionate defender of the Second Amendment, outspoken … probably a few more descriptions, too.
Uncle Ted’s been going hardcore gonzo backstrap-lovin’ deer hunting for decades. How many? Let’s just say decades. He’s 67 — can you believe that? — and still does a hardcore slate of international concerts every year, climbs treestands, shoots deer and axis deer and fallow deer and hogs and whatever else is in season or legal, and loves every bloomin’ minute of it.
Nuge takes shots from his critics and fires back, and of course has his fans. One thing is for certain, though. You’ll always get an answer and Ted never holds back. Check out this story he relates about hunting and learning from Fred Bear, emotions about hunting, and more.
Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website here for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.
Make Your Hunting Vacation Plans Now for 2016!
Discover intriguing facts about and high-quality images of whitetail deer with the Whitetails 2016 Daily Calendar. Gain insight into deer traits, behavior, and more with new whitetail trivia every day. This DESKTOP whitetail calendar is great for any hunter or enthusiast seeking out compelling information and captivating images of your number one deer, the whitetail.
Enjoy a fun fact every day – topics include:
- How deer adapt to deep snow and cold weather
- The types of cover doe groups prefer for bedding areas
- What causes bucks to grow non-typical antlers
- Survival traits and tricks of young fawns
- Mature buck behavior throughout the year
- Full-color photos of whitetail deer through every season
- Useful information for locating whitetails
- Fun and unique information that you may learn for the first time