Three years ago, Beth Edwards set a goal that she wanted her first deer taken with a bow to be her personal best buck. She told her husband in early January this year she wished she would have set her goal with a crossbow instead as another season was about to wrap up, still with no buck.

The day before the season closed in Greene County, Missouri, it was a bitter 0 degrees. Edwards got to her Redneck blind at 1:30 p.m, which was completely frozen over to the point where she could barely open the door and all the windows were frozen shut. She started to thaw the bow window first using a Buddy heater, then moved to another window when she immediately noticed a big buck.

On Jan. 14, 2024, at 2 p.m., Edwards finally fulfilled her goal after passing on many bucks over the years. The buck’s gross green score was 151 7/8. It will be rescored once the 60-day drying period is up by Pope and Young.