Indiana NRC Extends Indefinitely the “One Buck Rule”

The Indiana Natural Resources Commission on Tuesday approved an indefinite extension of what’s commonly referred to as the “one-buck rule” for deer hunting.

The decision to extend the rule removes the expiration date on a 10-year-old regulation that limits a hunter to taking no more than one antlered deer during the regular archery, firearms and muzzleloader hunting seasons.

The “one-buck rule” was first applied in 2002 for a five-year period. The Commission approved an extension in 2007 with an expiration date of Sept. 1, 2012.

This year, the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife proposed extending the rule indefinitely, stating that limiting deer hunters to only one buck per year is not needed to manage the deer herd. The DNR considers it a social issue, not a biological issue.

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1 thought on “Indiana NRC Extends Indefinitely the “One Buck Rule”

  1. I think the DNR had been vague with their reasons. But whatever it is, I’ve been considering this good though. It will make hunters to have rest for sometime.

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