Just When, Exactly, is the Southern Deer Rut?

For a hunter, knowing that the rut is on the horizon is akin to knowing one’s birthday is right around the corner.

Deer in southern Alabama, south of Montgomery where this buck was killed, have breeding dates into March based on fetal conception surveys.
Deer in southern Alabama, south of Montgomery where this buck was killed, have breeding dates into March based on fetal conception surveys.

In this week’s new episode of Land of Whitetail—which airs on the Pursuit Channel this Saturday at 10 a.m. ET — experts build on that excitement as they share their thoughts on this year’s Southern rut.

Land of Whitetail goes the extra mile this year to prepare hunters for a successful rut hunting season. The latest episode calls on deer hunting experts as they explain that the rut is more than just a date on the calendar.

Attention to detail is a must throughout the South and gaining a deeper understanding of the Southern rut can give hunters the edge when they finally step into the woods. Tune in as Land of Whitetail breaks down how to best predict when and where rutting will occur throughout the Southern region to increase your chances of tagging that prize buck this season.

Land of Whitetail airs on the Pursuit Channel Saturdays at 10 a.m. ET, with subsequent showings on Sunday at 6 a.m. ET and Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. ET.

Each episode of Land of Whitetail is produced to entertain you while making you a better hunter. Learn strategies, deer behavior and equipment that focus on educated deer hunters of any skill level. From understanding food plot creation to proper shot placement, our seasoned pros will inform viewers on the how, why and what it takes to get close to that buck of a lifetime. Land of Whitetail airs on Pursuit Channel.

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