New Website Offers Hunter Education Online

Wisconsin residents can now complete the first part of their hunter education certification using the leading online hunter education course, This new option improves the interactivity and convenience of online hunter education in the state.

In Wisconsin, anyone born on or after January 1st, 1973 must obtain a certificate of hunter education before purchasing a hunting license. With the introduction of, aspiring hunters in Wisconsin can register and complete the classroom portion of their course online. After passing online quizzes, students print a Field Day Voucher that is needed to attend the hands-on field day portion of the hunter safety course.

Fresh Air Educators, the developers of, worked closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to launch this new online option. Jon King, Hunter Education Administrator at WDNR, said of the partnership, “People are trying to fit hunter education into a busy schedule. provides a highly interactive and engaging learning experience that students can complete at their own pace. Combined with the hands-on Field Day, it is a very effective way for new hunters to get safety certified.”

To start studying for their hunter safety certification, Wisconsin residents can now visit Students are also encouraged to register for a Field Day before finishing the online course to ensure there are spaces available. Students will find a list of Field Days by visiting WI.DNR.GOV and searching Hunter Safety and doing a “Find a Class” search on “HUNTER ED CD/INTERNET.”

Finally, students who complete their Wisconsin hunter education with have the additional benefit of being automatically entered into the Jim Shockey Dream Hunt. Visit to learn more about this exciting contest for new hunter education graduates and instructors.

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