Ninety Deer Culled, Residents Go Bonkers

Ninety deer were culled in a recent population control project in a New Jersey county, resulting in less impact on the native vegetation and assistance to the deer to avoid potential problems with disease.

Of course, removing part of an overpopulation of deer also assists with a reduction in vehicle-wildlife crashes, which can result in injuries or death.

Hunters in Union County assisted with this program, which of course was a great way to help the hunters and the program supervisors. Urban hunting opportunities like these are becoming more common in cities with troublesome populations.

Monday was the fifth and final day of the Union County Deer Management Program for 2013,” Union County Spokesperson Sebastian D’Elia told Westfield “Hunter participation was high, with 19 of the 23 hunters present for the morning shift and 22 hunters participating in the afternoon.”

Of course, the deer huggers were aghast and voiced their comments. That’s their right, of course, but some are funny, like this one: I just don’t understand why they have to kill these poor innocent animals! Why can’t they just round them up and bring them to some kind of enclosed area somewhere where they can just roam. Is killing them really necessary???

Perhaps she would like to pay for the fencing, feeding, upkeep, disease prevention and disposal? Doubtful. Be sure to read the comments. They’re a hoot.

Hunting remains a great management tool for urban deer populations in crisis and, if necessary, the use of sharpshooters. A happy-happy deer roundup just ain’t going to happen.

— Alan Clemons, Managing Editor


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