Poachers Banned for Life After Multiple Violations

Two Tennessee men have been banned from hunting in 44 states for the rest of their lives, fined thousands of dollars and are sentenced to community service for numerous poaching violations in the most severe penalties handed out in the state wildlife agency’s history.

Eddy Albertand Densibel Calzada PHOTO WSMV TV4
Eddy Albert (left) and Densibel Calzada (Photo: WSMV TV-4)

Densibel Calzada and Eddy Albert violated dozens of state wildlife regulations when they illegally killed at least 40 deer in Rutherford County. The two reportedly killed the deer at night, out of season, and trespassed on private property, among other violations, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

The lifetime ban includes not just Tennessee but the other states in the Interstate Violators Compact.

“Our wildlife officers worked hard, did a lot of search warrants, discovered a lot of photographs, found out what they were doing,” said TWRA spokesman Doug Markham in this report.

“They probably didn’t know that at the time, the laws they broke in Middle Tennessee, and really they broke a lot, was going to cost them the rest of their lives,” he said. “These guys have no ethics. You hope they grow out of it. Our real hunters have ethics and care about what goes on, and they are the sportsmen that support our management in Tennessee.”


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