The Plot Thickens on the 27-Point Potential State Record Archery Buck
Get a closer look. state archery record buck killed by Wayne Schumacher also had the attention of other area bow-hunters, we learned today. The Deer & Deer Hunting staff was contacted by Jim Schumacher (no relation to Wayne Schumacher, who killed the deer) whose son is serving in Iraq. He sent in a trail-cam photo of the buck. Here’s what he had to say:
Perhaps an interesting side story to the Wisconsin buck just taken by Mr. Wayne Schumacher* in Central Wisconsin last Sunday!
This buck was being monitored by some of our Wisconsin men serving in Iraq. My son, SGT Theodore Schumacher of A CO 2-127 INF 32 IBCT serving in Iraq sent me earlier this year a photo of this buck. I’ve attached the photo for your use. A fellow soldier of my son’s unit has been monitoring this buck from afar. My son’s unit refers to the buck as "Mr. Big." They too got word the buck was harvested.
Today I have forwarded your story on to my son so they can share in the success of a fellow Wisconsin archer.
Great job on the buck story by your whole team. I look forward to my next issue of Deer and Deer Hunting magazine.
Jim Schumacher (Bloomer, WI)
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