State Seeks Prison Time for Wildlife Official

According to a report on the Daily Comet, a former Ohio wildlife official who helped a South Carolina game warden illegally obtain an Ohio deer license at a discount could face prison time as the government accuses him of jeopardizing the honor system that helps maintain state hunting and fishing programs.

A judge should also send a message in the case of Allan Wright that police in rural areas should not consider themselves above the law, federal prosecutors said ahead of Wright’s sentencing in federal court.

Wright, 45, pleaded guilty earlier this year to the illegal trafficking of three deer shot by a fellow hunter and South Carolina game warden using a fraudulent Ohio hunting license. Wright was also convicted of seizing the antlers of two deer taken illegally and giving the antlers to a friend instead of securing them as crime evidence.

Prosecutors are seeking three months in prison, a year of supervised release and a $1,000 fine.

Wright is asking for probation and a reasonable fine, arguing through his attorney that he has already suffered by losing his job and being forced to move out of state for a lower-paying position. Wright also wants to be able to use a gun while on probation to continue vocational training at his new job as a college security officer in Tennessee.

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