Ms. Sandra S. Froman has been appointed to the Board of Directors for Sturm, Ruger & Company, effective immediately.

Froman has established herself as a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the protections it guarantees are preserved. She is a Past President of the National Rifle Association and currently serves on its Board of Directors.
“We are delighted to add someone of Sandy Froman’s caliber to our Board of Directors,” said Ruger Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer. “Her energy and unique perspective will enhance the Board as we continue to grow Ruger and lead the firearms industry in innovation.”
In addition to managing her private law practice, Froman routinely speaks at colleges, law schools and other venues on Second Amendment issues. She is an active hunter, shooter, and firearms collector, as well as an NRA Certified Instructor and member of numerous shooting and hunting organizations.
Froman earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics with distinction from Stanford University and a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School.
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- The types of cover doe groups prefer for bedding areas
- What causes bucks to grow non-typical antlers
- Survival traits and tricks of young fawns
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