Sunday Hunting Ban Vote in Question

Virginia has a prohibition against hunting on Sunday, an issue that has raised hackles of hunters and questions throughout the state about any relevance to game management.

The so-called “blue law” banning Sunday hunting has deep roots. Despite numerous hunters calling for the prohibition to be overturned, the state’s legislators have refused time and again to do so. It appeared to be on track for a possible positive resolution earlier this year before being gunned down again.

In this Fredricksburg Free Lance-Star report by outdoor writer Ken Perrotte, at least one hunter – Matt O’Brien of Tidewater, Va. – believes something may have been done behind closed doors prior to the death of this year’s legislative voting. A bill that passed in the Virginia Senate before it was tabled – and ended up dead – in the state’s House of Delegates Natural Resources Subcommittee of the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee.

O’Brien believes there was an orchestrated campaign to table the bill and fingers Virginia Republicans for helping do so. Delegates Speaker of the House Bill Howell refutes that notion.

Take a look at the full report here.

What do you think about Sunday hunting “blue laws” that Virginia and a few other states still have? Let us know your thoughts and comments below!


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2 thoughts on “Sunday Hunting Ban Vote in Question

  1. Took a look myself and Mr. O’Brien is correct. As hard as it is to believe a bunch of Republicans in the Virginia House Agricultural Committee effectively killed it. What the hell! I thought these guys were supposed to generally support hunter rights and freedoms! They’d better get their act together or they’re going to be loosing a lot of support in a swing state. How about a pledge from these guys to allow it to at least get to the Virginia General Assembly for a vote! They tabled it? What kind of lame lack of courage action is that? I think we are all expecting more, and they’d better start supporting hunters with their actions instead of being bought off by the Farm Bureau.

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