Super Hunt Proceeds to Benefit P&Y Outreach Programs

The Pope and Young Club is offering two hunting adventures as part of its Super Hunt Drawing, with 100 percent of sales from hunt-drawing tickets going to the club’s Conservation, Education and Outreach Programs.

Pope Young fundraiserThe Grand Prize is a 10-day Trophy Mountain Caribou Hunt with world-renowned Nahanni Butte/NWT Outfitters. This hunt will take you to the remote backcountry of the Northwest Territories, Canada, pursuing the mountain caribou subspecies. You will hunt 9,700 square miles of road-less wilderness for the most coveted caribou species in North America. This is a classic backpack-style hunt with one of the best outfitters in the country. Bowhunters achieve high success on record-book-class bulls each and every year. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime bowhunting experience valued at nearly $15,000.

First prize is a desert hunt in the outback of Sonora, Mexico, for giant trophy-class mule deer. This six-day hunt, valued at $10,000, will take you to some of the finest mule deer country in the world, pursuing big, free-ranging bucks amid 84,000 acres of raw Mexican desert habitat, all with an outfitter that specializes in top bowhunting success and personalized service.

The 2016 Hunt-Drawing Event will be July 15. Winners will be selected by random draw at the Pope and Young Club headquarters in Chatfield, Minn. For information on purchasing tickets or to purchase by credit card call (507) 867-4144 or email

The Pope and Young Club is a non-profit North American conservation and bowhunting organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of our bowhunting heritage, hunting ethics and wildlife conservation. The Club also maintains the universally recognized repository for the records and statistics on North American big game animals harvested with a bow and arrow.

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