Foodie Friday: 8-Layer Axis Burger

Did you know axis venison is even healthier than whitetail venison? Yes, and arguably it tastes better too! This week we packed this delicious deer meat into a whopping 8-Layer Axis Burger. It’s better — and better for you — than anything you’ll find at a fast food joint. Give it a try this weekend! 

Photo and recipe courtesy of David Gilane.


1 pound of axis venison burger
Bread crumbs
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
Sweet onion
Colby jack slices
Spinach leaves
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Hamburger buns


Combine bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce and ground venison. Create 1/4-pound patties. Fry bacon in pan and set aside. Cook the burgers in the leftover bacon grease. Slice onions and sauté in another pan with some olive oil. Add soy sauce onto onion to get nice caramelized look. Assemble burger.
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