All you dudes with dirt under your nails, hat-hair and big plans for the weekend, listen up: it’s time for a little TLC for your mother.
All those years of scuffed knees, torn jeans, broken windows, those “oops” accidents, you making noise early or late from hunting trips or dates … it’s time for payback this weekend. Mother’s Day is this Sunday and that means gettin’ cleaned up, a liberal dose of hugs (more than usual, and you better be huggin’ your mama!) and maybe a little unexpected treat.
Noted chef Georgia Pellegrini has a super list of desert treats you can make without much effort. Now, c’mon guys … don’t just buy some Twinkies and smother them with strawberries. Go the extra mile and try to do something cool and different.
Click on any of the desert titles under the photos in this array, or visit Pellegrini’s other recipes on her site for some cool wild game dishes. Don’t let the frilly stuff fool you. She likes cooking good food, is a hunter and has some good vittles.
For more cooking advice, check out these great resources, including the newly added guide “Happy Healthy Family, Tracking the Outdoors In”