Us Bowhunters are ultra-lucky even when we get skunked. Just the fact that we are so fortunate to have discovered and pursued our mystical flight of the arrow and this amazing natural spiritual connection with God’s creation is mojo enough to thank the Good Lord for everyday.
Sure, the always nerve wracking, spine-tingling, hyperventilating encounter with the beast is indescribably invigorating and stimulating beyond compare everytime, but the kill, as exciting as it is, only lasts a nano-second compared to the year round flood of nonstop joys that the lifestyle itself provides.

Here in huntseason 2015, my 66th huntseason since that 1st Up North trek with my family into the forests of Michigan in 1949, (shouldn’t I be tired or worn out by now?) my eternal fascination with allthings wild turns me on now more than ever, and I literally have to do everything in my substantial power to manage my excitement so I don’t implode on a daily basis.
Everything about this greatest of sports drives me wild and cleanses my soul, but none more than the people factor, for this sport happens to include some of the finest human beings to ever walk the good earth.

The campfires I have had the good fortune to share with these special folks never stop burning, and are a source of strength and inspiration when times get tough and a BloodBrother needs a little help to get through the insanity that is life.
No matter what the difficulties or trying times may bring, it takes but a memory of past hunts with my mom and dad, brothers and sister, Uncle John, Cousin Mark and so many others to bring a smile to my face and an upbeat thump for my heartbeat.
There were all those amazing times with Fred Bear, Dick Lattimer, Erv Wagner, Hap Fling, Doug Walker, Dick Mauch, Bob Munger, the incredible Ed Bilderback, a governor here, a senator there, workin’ hard playin’ hard Americans of every imaginable stripe. Everytime, everyone was top drawer.
Way before the convenience of social media, cellphones and texting, my telephone would begin to ring off the hook as September wound down to October. And then throughout October, November and December grand excitable conversations of encounters, hits, kills and bloodtrails would wrap up my every night.
But a visit to my Facebook will tell the tale of BloodBrother celebrations gone wild on an hourly basis as conservation families across the land share their love of the hunt, their passion for the chase.

I will share with you here one of hundreds of such magical connections I am so blessed with by what is probably the oldest Queen of the Forest bowhunting babe still rambling the forests of Michigan in pursuit of her favorite beast, the mighty whitetail deer of Fred Bear country.
Her name is Ann Clark, and her bowhunting accomplishments and impact are far too expansive to capture here. Suffice it to say, she is the real deal and a testament to the integrity and spirit of our bowhunting family.
She writes;
“The passing of great friends George Gardner and now Jim Dougherty deeply saddens me.
I had my 90th birthday this year with 6 of the original Diana’s. (all gal bowhunting camp) It also included Darrell Pace longtime friend who will be inducted (into the Archery Hall of Fame) when you receive your well-deserved award.

I’ll be hunting with Bob Eastman at West Branch (MI) next week along with Chuck Denault.
I’ll be seeing old friends Kay Richey, Dorine Easterbrook, Marilyn Bentz, and Jean Richmond at Kay’s when I leave Bob’s.
Take care old friend. Recalling older days when we hunted with Fred Bear, George Gardner, Jim Dougherty, Bob Easterbrook and so many others. Names from the past.
Ann Clark Hall of Fame Inductee 1984, Hall of Fame Director”
See, I wouldn’t have to fling an arrow or render a backstrap and I would still be the luckiest bowhunter in the world.
Keep making memories my friends, and be sure to share them and keep them alive and coming. In the whitetail wind, all of our Fred Bears are still alive.
Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.
If you struggle with field-dressing deer by yourself, check out the High Tail Assistant. It’s easy to use and makes the field-dressing process simpler and more efficient so you can get home with great venison for your recipes.
- Field dress your deer by yourself in mere minutes!
- Keeps the rear-end off the ground
- Easy to set up in seconds
- Secure and easy one-person job
- Conveniently folds to fit into included canvas carry bag