Rejoice, another splendid morning in my favorite Michigan deer woods, and the spirit soared on high. Acorns were falling, turkeys were yelping, squirrels were running amok and the orgy of glistening fall colors surrounding me, cleansed my soul and made me very, very happy.
The lap of God is one of my favorite places to rest.
But no deer. I had waited a full two weeks into the season to hit this historically target-rich swamp edge ridge where many a handsome critter have fallen to my arrows for more than 40 years. But alas! Right place right time will always trump clever strategizing and otherwise well laid out bowhunting ambush plans.
With the last sip of hot joe from my thermos, I prepared to dismantle the SpiritWild video camera from its ladder stand perch and begin the gear gathering rituals, calling it a morning.
Then the welcome flutter flutter flutter wing beating sounds of descending wild turkeys stopped me cold as four big longbeards landed 30 yards to my right.
Oh Boy! Here we go!
Of course, knowing the omniscience of wild turkeys gave me pause as to how the heck I would get an arrow off to my right, get the vidcam rolling and kill a thunderchicken with four feathered radar maniacs so close.
But, if this old sneaky bowhunter has learned one thing in 60-plus years of bowhunting, it’s how to move invisibly schnookered within the shadows of my well-concealed leafy perch.
Game on!
Miraculously, like some Samurai predator, I pulled off the bowhunting miracle, got the record button pushed, aimed the camera in the general vicinity of the four toms, smoothly came to full draw, and sent my mystical-flight-of-the-Thanksgiving arrow dead center through the big bird.
The dead-on-his-feet gobbler sprinted 40 yards up the woodland slope and tumbled dead as a doornail in about four seconds.
Lord have mercy!
Gathering my gear and prize, I raced back to the cabin where I was scheduled to conduct a flurry of media interviews promoting God, family, country, freedom, law and order and the perfection of our hands-on hunting lifestyle to a few million people around the world.
With the fiery adrenalin still coursing through my free American veins from the high of the morning hunt, my truth, logic, commonsense passion was inescapable over the airwaves and Internet.
Completing my morning media blitz, performing my household chores and preparing for the evening hunt, I decided to make my beloved dogs happy with a fun duck hunt on our little pond.
Killing two handsome woodies and a hefty mallard before we knew it, I hung the waterfowl prizes in the cooler with my tom turkey, kenneled, fed and watered the tired hounds, swapped shotgun for Mathews bow and hauled ass to the south marsh treestand for the last hour of light.
With a solid southeast breeze whipping the firestorm of fall colors heather and yon, I settled in for a last-ditch try for another whitetail.
Well, God must have been happy with my activities of the day, for He sent two huge swampdonkey does my way within a few short minutes, and boy was I ready to rock.
As usual, these whitetails on the Nugent hunting grounds were maniacally alert and crazy cautious with every slow, careful, deliberate step they made as they headed my way.
The lead doe made a wide circle in the reed grass to get my wind, while the second doe bobbed and weaved at 30 yards, watching her partner check the place out.
Before I even thought about it, my sight pin was painted square on her shoulder, quartering slightly toward me when the Levi Morgan Swhacker broadhead blasted clean through her and all hell broke loose.
My light 48-pound draw Mathews VXR is so quiet that the sound of the arrow penetrating the big deer was the only sound heard, and as the lead doe stretched her neck to watch her mortally wounded sidekick deathrun into the marsh, my second arrow was already on its mystical way, slamming a scary-sharp, all-plastic Cold Steel broadhead clean through her shoulder as she exploded in the opposite direction.
Holy Mother of deerhunting God! What just happened? What kind of day did I just have? What amazing bowhunting dream just unfolded in rapid succession on what was to be the most exciting bowhunting day of my life?
The recovery, photos, dragging, hauling, gutting, hanging rituals had a life of their own, and I can honestly say that October 13, 2020, was truly an out-of-body event for me.
Now, as I smash my laptop keyboard joyously sharing this exciting day of bowhunting with my American Spirit BloodBrothers, I am 30,000 feet up jetting from Dallas, Texas, back to our Michigan hunting cabin after a full day with Donald Trump Jr., Jeff Foxworthy, Michael Waddell, Mrs. Nugent, Hunter Nation founder Keith Mark and Outdoor/Sportsman Channel CEO Jim Liberatore, where we debuted the great pro-hunting feature film “The Harvest,” and conducted a killer TV talkshow presentation promoting the do-or-die movement of to fire up the largest conservative army of God, family, country, freedom voters on earth; the American licensed hunter army.
Yesterday we held a great rally in Selma, North Carolina, doing the same thing.
The next day I performed a fire-breathing, passion- and emotion-dripping National Anthem at the Donald Trump rally in Muskegon Michigan, gearing up for more rallies in Michigan, Pennsylvania and beyond.
Yes, it is the sacred, much-anticipated hunting season. And yes, I want to hunt every day. But much more important than any single day of hunting or any hunting season is the ongoing, never-ending battle to safeguard and ensure all future hunting seasons, and freedom itself, by defeating the Marxist enemies of America that are gung-ho dedicated to end everything we believe in and America stands for.
We are rallying the conservative troops to fight back with the most powerful weapon in the history of free men; The Vote!
I earned those turkey and duck breasts and venison backstraps by practicing hard all year, scouting diligently and putting to work all of the lessons of the wild from a lifetime of bowhunting.
But the real investment that earned that glorious day of hunting has been my nonstop We-the-People activism, promoting and celebrating the perfection of hands-on conservation in defiance of those who hate everything we do and everything we stand for.
October 2020 is coming to a close, and the spectacular hunting month of November is nearly upon us. There is still time. Plenty of time to hunt, but just one day to shoot down the enemies of hunting and freedom with the powerhouse firepower of THE VOTE!
Rally the troops in your life. Get everybody you know to make the pledge to perform the most important duty of an American. Spread the word that is the place to go to make the pledge to be a positive We-the-People force to reckon with and vote those powerhouse core American traditional family values of God, family, country, freedom and the hunting lifestyle.
Our hunting lifestyle is on the ballot. Our freedom to worship is on the ballot. Our right to keep and bear arms is on the ballot. Freedom of speech is on the ballot. Law and order is on the ballot. Self-defense is on the ballot. Secure borders are on the ballot. Constitutional accountability is on the ballot.
The future of America is on the ballot.
We can do this. An army of voting hunters is the last hope. Defeat the enemies of America. Vote to hunt forever.
Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT has a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO IT, on Round Hill Records. The album is available now for order everywhere, and the title track “The Music Made Me Do It” is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.
And now, the Ted Nugent Spirit Campfire with John Brenkus, is #1 on Billboard’s Top Facebook Live Video Chart! The ever-articulate Nugent and co-host Brenkus, the Emmy-winning broadcaster from ESPN, make for a high-energy and entertaining combination. The show launched in June 2020 and offers a front row glimpse into musical inspirations, hilarious anecdotes, thoughtful recollections and an enviable lineup of legendary talent.The Ted Nugent Spirit Campfire with John Brenkus airs live on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and YouTube.
With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll and Kill It & Grill It. This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit