Buck on Shoulders, Hunter Orders at McDonald’s Drive-Through

Deer hunters love fresh venison, but when it’s really fresh, sometimes a stop at the local fast-food drive-through is in order. That was the case for the New Zealand deer hunter who walked through a drive-up window with a dead deer on his back.

According to Fox News, Tehanairo Tetawhero of Taumarunui, New Zealand, stopped by a McDonald’s drive-thru after a day of fallow deer hunting with three of his friends. Their hunt was successful, and Tetawhero, 21, thought he would have some fun with the ordering experience by hoisting the fallow buck the group had bagged that day up on his shoulders and make the ordering process a little more “flavorful.”

It is just a hunch, but I don’t believe this scene would have gone over quite as well in the States.

Here’s a link to the zany stunt:

Click on image to link for the video.




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