D&DH Designer Allen West rattled in this beauty last Thursday. The P&Y-class
8-pointer came to a field to scent-check for does when Al used his rattle bag to turn
it around. Al waited until the buck was quartering away before taking the shot with
his Mathews Switchback. The shot was true, and the buck only went 40 yards. His arrow/broadhead
combination was a Muzzy 100 grain 3-blade behind a Carbon Express Maxima Hunter.
8-pointer came to a field to scent-check for does when Al used his rattle bag to turn
it around. Al waited until the buck was quartering away before taking the shot with
his Mathews Switchback. The shot was true, and the buck only went 40 yards. His arrow/broadhead
combination was a Muzzy 100 grain 3-blade behind a Carbon Express Maxima Hunter.
There is still some decent chasing going on (I saw a small 8-point dogging a doe last
night despite very high winds in our area). However, most reports indicate that more
and more does are standing for bucks, which means we might be in the midst of the
tending phase, which also goes along with Alsheimer’s calendar predictions for this
year. Charlie’s data showed that peak tending would occur from 11/3 through 11/10
(which is this Saturday).
Picture of Al West’s buck from 11/1:
No disrespect to Charles Alsheimer, but you could predict those dates for the Ohio rut practically every year and be right on the money. Posted by: Brad