rather be in the woods than sitting at a desk!
This is the first morning since mid-week last week that I did not see a “cruising”
buck while driving the 10 miles north to Iola. I have yet to see one of those classic
tending phase scenes of a big buck in a wide open field standing next to a bedded
doe, but I will bet it will happen within the next few days. Several of you readers
have already reported it. It does seem that us in the upper Midwest are at least a
week ahead of the other “Northern” states (everyone above the 35th lat). All indications
are also that the South’s rut will drag well into December and beyond.
The following image is sobering, but a fact of life. This young buck was hit by an
SUV just south of Iola on Monday. We found the buck still alive, with both of his
hips shattered, struggling to crawl his way toward a wooded area near our local cemetery.
It is a stark reminder that deer hunting is a much better, and more humane, option
than the alternatives.
As a side note, because this deer was in the village limits, we contacted our local
police chief who helped put this deer out of its misery quickly. The deer did not
go to waste. Staff member Jacob Edson obtained a tag and kept the meat. Just another
example of how hunters truly do care about this resource.