Allow for a slight diversion from the deer talk this week. This morning’s text volley between a long-time hunting buddy is too good not to share.
My buddy Joe drove to my house yesterday for some last-minute turkey hunting action with his 10-year-old son, Loden. They spent the better part of this spring in hunter safety classes so Loden would be ready to go hunting deer this fall. They made it to the woods yesterday morning and although they heard a gobbler, they hadn’t seen anything after a long sit in a very hot blind.
I told Joe that they would have a good chance of seeing that gobbler today … IF they could sit long enough. They made it out of the house at about 4 a.m. I had just put the finishing touches on the Deer Hunters’ Equipment Annual layout when I shot Joe a quick text to see how his morning was unfolding.
Here’s the rest of the story:
Today 9:06 AM
Me: Anything?
Joe: One gobbled at 8:30, I called to him & he has been gobbling on and off since. Haven’t heard him for about 15 minutes.
Stay put. He will show up.
He might come in silent, but he will show up. Be on your toes.
Might take a few hours. Might take all day, but my money is on him showing up when you least expect it.
Today 10:18 AM
Just had a hen walk right into the decoys.
Get ready. DON’T move.
Yelp softly for one sequence.
Don’t call anymore if he doesn’t respond. Stay put until noon. Minimum.
Will do.
Today 10:54 AM
Still gobbling?
Nothing since the hen came through.
Try yelping loudly. If he responds, then cutt at him.
If he keeps gobbling at that, cut him off every time he gobbles for at least 2 or 3 sequences.
Wait, then purr softly after that.
If that doesn’t work, break out your .30-06 and do some road hunting.
Today 11:03 AM
He just came in, and he is dead.
Shut up.
He’s dead.
YESSSS!!!!! On my way!!!!