Deadline for American Deer Hunters

Well, that Tedline Deadline Headline sure sounds a bit foreboding, wouldn’t you say.

Here it is, the eagerly anticipated, beloved, much-needed, long-awaited, sacred hunting season unfolding all around us, and old Uncle Ted dares indicate we are somehow on the precipice of some dangerous last-minute hope for America!

Good call pilgrim. That’s exactly what I am saying.

Most poignantly in the context of the hunting season, which just so happens to be the voting season, which just so happens to qualify for the deadline for America and our uniquely American freedom-based, outdoor way of life if you are honest and aware enough to admit it.

Photo courtesy Ted Nugent.

Real Americans who truly care about real America are registered to fulfill our duty to vote in this sacred experiment in self-government, and our future hunting lifestyle, and freedom itself, hangs desperately in the balance.

Believe me when I tell you, that ain’t no hyper, exaggerated rhetoric by any stretch of the imagination when we truthfully examine the glaring and ghastly extreme differences of the agendas by the two political parties in this country right now.

One party believes in and fights for God, family, country, freedom, gun rights, law and order, and our hunting, conservation lifestyle, while the other side is on record despising each of those traditional American family values that make this the last best place on earth.
If the hunting families of America fail to engage by voting those principles in this battle for good over evil, freedom over tyranny, liberty over Marxism, the well-defined, clear and present enemies of America will prevail, and quite honestly, all is lost.

And we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

It sounds so simple as to be unbelievable, but the evidence is everywhere and the writing is on the wall, staring us right in the face.
My editors here at, and in all of the sporting publications I write for, strive diligently to keep politics out of our outdoor publications, and that my friends, is guaranteed cultural suicide.

If you turn off the weatherman because you are discomforted by his predictions of dangerous windstorms, you have no one to blame but yourselves for not seeking shelter as you get blown away.

The political weatherman has warned us forever of the long-running and well-orchestrated charge of the socialists and communists amongst us, and in our politically correct strangled attempt to be tolerant of such extreme anti-Americanism, we have foolishly bent over and let the devil into our living rooms, knowing damn well all along that it was indeed the devil.

I, like all of you, am well into celebrating the hunting season of my life, but I am tuned in enough and care enough to know that the future of our country, and freedom itself, is never about this hunting season, but rather about the eternal future of all hunting seasons and all freedom.

As we painfully watch our cities burn to the ground and our fellow Americans cower in fear and get bloodied by the violent, vicious, criminal mobs in every democrat-run city, how can anyone possibly deny the agenda of that party and their terrorist, America-hating constituency?

Us licensed hunting families of America can represent the largest, most powerful and tide-turning voting army in America, if we are registered and vote our principles.

Time is running out to register and fight back at the voting polls. The time is now. The deadline for America is fast approaching.

I thank my editor for backing off the no-politics rule, as we realize the frightening threat posed to our country, when the fix is so simple, it’s stupid.

Register! Vote! Make the pledge to be a force to reckon with at We can do this. We must do this!

Secure the future of your hunting, freedom, we-the-people lifestyle. It’s as simple as voting your traditional American family values like you mean it.

Your children and grandchildren deserve it, need it and will thank you for eternity. Case closed. Now or never.

Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT has a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO ITon Round Hill Records. The album is available now for order everywhere, and the title track “The Music Made Me Do It” is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.

And now, the Ted Nugent Spirit Campfire with John Brenkus, is #1 on Billboard’s Top Facebook Live Video Chart! The ever-articulate Nugent and co-host Brenkus, the Emmy-winning broadcaster from ESPN, make for a high-energy and entertaining combination. The show launched in June 2020 and offers a front row glimpse into musical inspirations, hilarious anecdotes, thoughtful recollections and an enviable lineup of legendary talent.The Ted Nugent Spirit Campfire with John Brenkus airs live on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and YouTube.

With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll and Kill It & Grill It. This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit

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