I think we can all agree on another hunting lifestyle truism; deerhunters do not live by deerhunting alone! Every deerhunter I know lives this wonderful hunting lifestyle in every way we can possibly manipulate our schedules and responsibilities and lives overall to get out there as much as humanly possible to hunt every species we possibly can as often as we possibly can. Ya think!
By Ted Nugent
Not skipping a beat since the wrapup of what can only be described as the best deerhunting season of my life, I charged fullspeed ahead into hogwhacking, varmint slamming, exotic backstrap ambushing heaven.
My hogwhacking BloodBrother Pigman Brian Quaca once again joined up with the masters of “Death from above” Heli-Hunters LLC and hit the helicopter airways to hose down some earth-destroying wild swine in Texas.
Killing literally 100s and 100s of wild hogs from choppers with my M4 machinegun is so much fun there simply aren’t any words available to adequately describe it.
Smart people with a proper sense of decency and goodwill know this essential widespread slaughter of feral swine is the definitive win-win-win-win-win on all fronts. While information- and truth-challenged whiners make up bizzarro complaints, we carry on with what can only be described as environmental God’s work.
1- we halted the tax-wasting indiscriminate poisoning campaign that was planned
2- we save family farms and ranches from widespread hog destruction and crop damage
3- we save the environment from widespread erosion
4- we save untold wildlife from hog predation
5- we halt the spread of disease
6- we save tax dollars by halting government shooting campaigns
7- we created a huge new industry bringing in huge revenues to new family businesses
8- we feed 1000s of needy Americans the ultimate pure organic free range delicious wild pork
Excuse me whilst I cool off my machinegun barrel and halo.
Combined with the daily excitement of my year-round trapline on our SpiritWild Ranch homegrounds in Texas, treestand tweaking, foodplot preparation and shed hunting, I get real lucky to participate in some very special events with some very special people.
Shemane and I were honored to celebrate the grand opening of Joe Palermo’s Action Arms gunstore in Sulphur, La., with a few thousand Spirit of the Wild BloodBrother families and hero warriors of the US Military and law enforcement. These fine, generous Americans in the great Sportsman’s Paradise helped raise more than $10,000 for our Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids and Freedom’s Angels charities and a grandtime was had by all.
A huge Uncle Ted SALUTE to everyone there who made us feel right at home. It sure was a powerful reminder of exactly how kind, giving, caring, down to earth and friendly real America still is. Godbless you all.

Then it was down to Florida where we hooked up with the hardcore husband and wife hunting maniacs Paul and Sara Bird and their worldclass SouthernOutdoorOutfitters.com guide service in pursuit of my very first Osceola longbeard.
Striving to fulfill my post deerseason husband duties for my Queen of the Forest, I didn’t get out till late in the afternoon, but Paul Bird knows his hunting grounds, and just three hours later, my mystical flight of the GoldTip Nuge arrow found its mark on a gorgeous Osceola thunderchicken.
With a two-bird limit and unlimited hogs and alligators to get after, I should have some more fun hunting stories to share with you each week here at my deeranddeerhunting.com NugeBlogs.
Never a dull moment pretty much describes my wild life, and I am more than happy and honored to share it with my backstrap BloodBrothers here. We don’t live by deerhunting along, but everything we do in the hunting world will help us be better deerhunters, and I wish you all a happy springtime and goodluck in all your pursuits.
See you here next week as the American hunting Dream throttles mercilessly on. You can’t do this in France baby!
Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website here for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.
Ted Nugent’s intriguing insights on the legendary Fred Bear:
When Backstrap Hunting is Over, Get Out and Find Shed Antlers for More Fun!