Never Give Up Spirit Blood Brothers

I can refer to you all as my Spirit BloodBrothers, can’t I! Well, of course I can!

That you are reading these words in this environment is irrefutable evidence that we are indeed Spirit BloodBrothers.

The historical spiritual term BloodBrothers, being the timeless aboriginal colloquialism of a deep, abiding brotherhood of the blood and spirit that bonded both a biological brotherhood and tribal/village brotherhood, we must remain united in our fight for the soul of America and our perfect hands-on conservation, outdoor hunting, fishing, stewardship lifestyle.

Photo courtesy Ted Nugent.

That bonding code of being there for each other no matter what, is alive and well right here and now during this insanity in the year 2020, and such a bond will play a pivotal role in the survival of our species. Especially our American freedom species.

As deerhunters we know all too well the inescapable truism that tenacity and that indefatigable Man in the Arena nevergiveuptitude determines whether we dine on hard-earned venison, or end up buying chicken.

As all of the best elements of our American culture come under increasing attacks by strange, violent mobs, the American Man in the Arena better be prepared with an endless energy and dedication to not only hold our ground, but aggressively push back with all we have against the indisputable evil forces we are witnessing in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, Dallas, Houston, Austin, New York and beyond.

Photo courtesy Ted Nugent. 

As I continue to raise maximum hell in the media spreading truth, logic, commonsense and positive We The People spirit everyday, I recharge my American batteries at the range with my Mathews bow and the spirit-cleansing Mystical Flight of the Arrow.

As I practice daily and train with my bows and guns, scout my deergrounds, plant foodplots, put out mineral sites, check trailcams, fill waterholes, fertilize my fruit and mast trees, trim shooting lanes and trails, fill feeders, tweak blinds and stands, and dream wildly about the soon-to-be, soul-repairing, cooling winds of fall, I often question where all of this energy and fight comes from as I approach my 72nd birthday.

Then I read my e-mails and talk with my neighbors, and am reminded how and why.

I am not alone. We are not alone. Self-evident truth, inescapable logic and ubiquitous commonsense is alive and well and spreading across the hinterland, and it constantly reminds me why I never give up.

Just as I return to the magical deerwoods each and every day, no matter how many times I get skunked, I too will return to the frontlines of this crazy culture war to make sure we crush the animal-rights scam masters and the anti-hunting nature haters that so perfectly represent the most reprehensible elements of haters and liars in our country and world.

Just like the driving force in our never-ending dedication trying to outsmart the mighty white-tailed deer and all of those amazing critters we chase each hunting season, that same undying dedication must be directed to saving our country, our heritage and the very soul of American freedom.

I join you in dreaming and scheming the upcoming, long-awaited fall hunting season 2020, and I hope we all join together to fire the most powerful shot heard round the world for those supreme quality-of-life, God, family, country, freedom issues that make America the last best place.

Ted and Shemane visited with President Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office and White House in spring 2017. Photo courtesy Ted Nugent.

That life-death shot for America must be locked, loaded and fired at the voting booth come November. More important than practicing with our hunting arms, more important than scouting our deerwoods, more important than pretty much anything else we have on our plates, is the critical importance of making certain we and everyone we know are registered to vote God, family, country, freedom, law and order, Constitution on November 3rd, wherever we may be.

Please have everyone you know visit to make sure this incredible army of American conservatives are in the game. Will we show up for our children and grandchildren, or will we be missing in action? or die.

Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT has a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO ITon Round Hill Records. The album is available now for order everywhere, and the title track “The Music Made Me Do It” is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.


With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll and Kill It & Grill It. This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit

Ted Nugent on Fred Bear & Public Relations

Really Ridiculous Deer Hunting Regulations

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