Thank you Lord, and thank you America once again for this incredible American Dream beyond any dream I could have ever dreamed of. Rock-N-Roll and hunting defines my life beyond God, family and country, but quite honestly, my dynamo passions of hunting and music actually fulfill my obligations to The Big 3.
I see it this way, unambiguously, that by creating and performing my passionate music to the best of my ability, I am certainly fulfilling my duty to God, family and country to be as productive as possible, cultivating and nurturing my chosen craft and working my butt off to be solidly in the asset column of life.
See The Secret That Big Buck Hunters Won’t Talk About!
And of course as a hunter, I am clearly fulfilling my duties as a conscientious and reasoning predator, and a responsible hands-on steward of our precious life giving natural resources, proudly balancing His herds each natural season of harvest, truly giving thanks for the annual renewable bounty that He and His miraculous creation provide.
And as I throttle on rocking myself into a sweat drenched limping tizzy six nights a week on my insane ultraFUN SHUTUP&JAM! tour across America, I am constantly reminded that I am not alone celebrating these self-evident truths.
I think the most exciting part of my daily communications and connections, both face to face and via the mind boggling social media phenomenon of facebook, my website, twitter, Instagram and whatever else is flickering wildly everywhere on the intergalactic, stratospheric, global, endless universal electronic Internet and beyond communication orgy here, there and everywhere, is the number of people who are seeking the joys of the hunting lifestyle for the very first time in their lives.

As I increase my communication daily, it is oh so refreshing to hear from men, women, boys, girls, young, old, all over the world who are gungho to become archers, marksmen, NRA members, hunters, shooters and outdoors enthusiasts because they witness this old goofy guitarplayer on Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV having so much fun they can hardly believe it.
When you read this here deeranddeerhunting.com NugeBlog#46 on the beautiful summerday July 17, 2014, I will have rocked, hung out with and communicated with many, many people so far on this tour in Waco TX, Dallas TX, Wichita Falls TX, Santa Fe NM, OKC OK, New Braunfels TX, Phoenix AZ, Ramona CA, Prescott Valley AZ, Agoura Hills CA, Thousand Oaks CA, Las Vegas, Anaheim CA, Jackson MI and Council Bluffs IA tonight.
That is where I’ve been since lastweek’s NugeBlog!
WHEW! No wonder I’m a little tired!!
Let it be known, that by simply cutting loose in an open and honest fashion, our genuine enthusiasm for our beloved outdoor lifestyle, that good, smart, educated, caring people will certainly pick up on our positive energy and spirit, and the contagious nature of our passions will indeed touch them deeply, inviting them to join in on what we all know is the most fun, exciting lifestyle available to mankind; deerhunting!
I have found that the best, most effective introductory suggestion we can give these new enthusiasts is to take it slow and easy, and don’t think that archery or firearms efficiency comes easy.
I always recommend finding an experienced tutor to help with the first baby steps, picking a simple, easy to draw bow and a simple single shot .22 rifle, both at closerange in order to discover one’s natural hand-eye coordination.
Of course absolute safety must be emphasized to the max, and zero pressure should be applied in order to make the newcomer feel comfortable and at ease.
We must also take intelligent care not to push specific brand name products on the newcomer, but rather gently suggest they experiment with various designs, models and manufacturers in order to discover the bow or gun that feels best to the individual.

First of foremost, we must show these new friends of conservation that we are all a loving family regardless of hunting style or equipment methodology, and that individual choice is respected and encouraged.
More and more sporters and various organizations are increasing this critical recruitment initiative that I am convinced will determine the future of the shooting sports and conservation as we know it.
So open the floodgates my SpiritWild BloodBrothers. Make it a point to seek out someone in your life, somehow, somewhere, to invite them to try out this greatest of sport/lifestyle.
The beauty of hunting is that unlike some competitive sports, anybody no matter what their physical capabilities or physical shortcomings, anybody and everybody can find a way to celebrate the joys of the great outdoors.
This new and exciting road to adventure and challenge will indeed cleanse their souls, while at the same time, increase the voice for continuing our unprecedented wildlife management success model here in North America.
Godspeed Spirit BloodBrothers wherever you are! Join me on www.facebook/tednugent to take it to the masses.
OH YEAH!! And this just in! I joined great American patriot Glenn Beck and his many millions of loyal radio listeners and TV viewers to assist him in his humanitarian efforts to help out the hordes of kids at our southern border with a few loving tons of pure, renewable, ultraNutritious venison! HUNTERS FOR THE HUNGRY when and where people need us! When in doubt, we best whip it out to let the world know how loving, generous, caring, giving and capable the hunting families of America are! Say YOWZA!! Like ya mean it!
Find out about Ted’s current tour schedule, news and more info here: www.TedNugent.com
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