Nugent: Come Together Right Now

Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent

Isn’t it amazing how we hunters can and do carve out our ultimate American Dream with such aplomb in spite of the crazy world all around us! The worst day of hunting is always a wonderful day compared to pretty much all the alternatives. Our sacred time afield surely does cleanse the soul, re-create our spirit and recharge our batteries everytime!

And it isn’t just during the actual hunting season that such solace is available to us. With our great outdoor hunting as a lifestyle, it is always on our mind and activities are always there for us to pursue and enjoy.

Be sure to thank God every day and say Hallelujah like you mean it!

That brings us to all the other things in our lives in between our soul cleansing hunts and the more often than not trials and tribulations of every day existence in a world that continually throws some seriously mind blowing and bizarre curves our way, usually out of nowhere on a painfully guaranteed regular basis.

We all have our cross to bear, so we must bear it like we mean it!

As the inescapable reality of daily life sucker-punches us upside the head so often, we rise from the swirling dust of the arena, brush ourselves off, and re-engage anew. Good Americans know there is no Plan B.

But when these difficult times manifest themselves in the heartbreaking horror of runaway crime at the hands of pure evil in our own neighborhoods, we are tested to the core and have the opportunity to show that tenacious all American true grit that got us here in the first place and will ultimately determine if we survive as a nation and as a species.

We hunters all know that the sacred 2nd Amendment has never had anything to do with hunting, sport or recreation. We know that these Constitutionally guaranteed God given individual rights are based on profound self-evident truth, logic and commonsense and dare I say, Divine Intervention.

There has never before in the history of mankind been such a bold, radical experiment in self government as is the American Dream of assured life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If we are truly dedicated to save innocent lives, it is going to take the best of the best American families to stand strong and committed to fight for real world solutions to bring such madness to an end.

I do believe that as hunters aspiring to that higher level of reasoning predator awareness, we are better tuned into our world than any other segment of society this side of the U.S. Military warrior commandos and warriors of law enforcement.

As we watch the self-inflicted scourge of political correctness and its associated denial manifest itself in the criminal animal rights and bizarre anti-hunting/anti-nature movements, we must commit to never succumb to the apathy and complacency that facilitated this insanity to begin with and fight with all our we the people might to counterpunch it at every turn.

There is always plenty to keep us fortified and driven in the great outdoors, and now more than ever we must plunge beyond the pavement to maintain perspective and balance so that we remain in the asset column of America.

I don’t care what state you live and hunt it, critical upgrade for science-based hunting regulations is long overdue, and much work lies ahead for us all.

Keep the hunting lifestyle dialog alive throughout the year to inspire all our hunting buddies to remain engaged. Make a list of improvements you know need to be made, and go after them with vigor.

Everybody talks about the danger of attrition and reduced recruitment in our hunting ranks. When laws are enacted based on social considerations in defiance of real world science, everybody loses, especially the wildlife.

Opening day may be a long way off right now, but there is no better time than right now to light the fires of freedom and fan the flames of liberty!

We not only created this sacred experiment in self-government to guarantee our God given individual rights to free speech and to keep and bear arms, but also because we knew damn well that the king didn’t own the deer!

Those are our deer and it is up to us to determine the best regulations for real wise use conservation.

The best deerhunting campfires are not limited to the deer seasons and deer camps. The best most important deerhunting campfires both literally and figuratively are those we burn and share in between the seasons to make certain we guarantee the seasons of the future.

Light em up! It is always a perfect time for the American deerhunting campfire!

With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll and Kill It & Grill It.This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit


Maximize Your Deer Season With this 2018 Whitetails Calendar!
From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2018 Whitetails Calendar is your top deer hunting resource! Whether in print or digital format, use this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars now!

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