2020! Are you kidding me! You expect me to believe that we have now entered the year of our Lord 2020, 71 firebreathing, crazy years after my original eruption onto planet earth!
Can this be, you ask? Well, yessireebob it tiz, and donxe2x80x99t you think for one exciting, rock-n-roll, backstrapping minute that I am about to let one fun-filled moment get away from me.
If you can believe it, my very first New Year’s resolution for 2020 is to get even more intense this year than ever before. You know, fulltilt boogie double-slam Gonzo carpe diem, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness like a man possessed!
After all, I do indeed qualify on all imaginable levels of possessed and obsessed with this fascinating American Dream thing that I have dedicated myself to for 71 big ones, and how dare we not live it to the absolute fullest possible, best-of-our-ability level every damn day!
I say turn up the heat! Go wild like never before.
Rock harder, hunt harder, shoot straighter, love more, give more, do more, share more, think more, and make a gungho concentrated effort to be the most positive force for God, family and country for my opening volley in 2020.
Truth, logic, commonsense and the American Way has always been my battlecry, but starting right here, right now, if you can imagine, Ixe2x80x99m going even more crazy with such positive forces than I ever have before.
Now, mind you, in order to increase the energy and human forces for such a lofty goal, balance of effort and energy management will be critical for the level of upgrade that I seek.
Here in the campfire of the conservation world, I suppose we can start with my resolution to hunt harder.
Surely that does not necessarily mean more days of hunting, for how could I possibly increase my hunting days to more than 300 a year!
Instead, my gungho approach will actually manifest itself in hunting smarter, instead of just more often.
If Ixe2x80x99ve learned anything in my long life, it is that the slower and more tuned in I hunt, the more gratifying overall each outing is xe2x80x94 regardless of bagging game or not.
The real-world predator truth is that slower is always much deadlier.
So slower it is.
Now for the equally important segment of my American Dream, the always-invigorating world of musical mayhem, and my version of animal breeding rhythm and blues rock-n-roll soundtrack of sonic bombast and earth-shattering grind groove.
Well, at 71 I cling to the resonating words of the world’s most impressive spiritual philosopher, our hero Dirty Harry, when he decreed that a good man knows his limitations.
So, with that wisdom still ringing in my ears, I vow to rock harder than young Ted, but only for six weeks this summer! That gives me more leeway to hunt smarter, more often! And that just so happens to include my appearance at Bowfest, Friday July 24 in Superior, Wisconsin!
Talking about the confluence of my two priority planets! Gonna be a serious rocking hoot for sure!
At my age, there really isnxe2x80x99t much wiggle room for any new, earth-shattering New Yearxe2x80x99s resolutions, for I figured out many moons ago exactly what my purpose and drive in life were, so for the most part, I remain in upgrade mode of mostly established procedures as it is.
All I know is that if God has blessed me with another year, then I am going to use it with all my heart and soul.
Ixe2x80x99m going to kiss and hug my wife and dogs more. Ixe2x80x99m going to jam on my guitar more. Ixe2x80x99m going to make the band tighter and more ferocious. Ixe2x80x99m going to sight in all of those rifles that Ixe2x80x99ve been waiting to sight in all of these years. Ixe2x80x99m going to train with my daily carry arm more intensely. Ixe2x80x99m going to increase my oneness with my mystical flight of the arrow farther and tighter. Ixe2x80x99m going to call and visit with all of my children, grandchildren and brothers and sister more. Ixe2x80x99m going to shoot more squirrels for my dogs. Ixe2x80x99m going to be a better shotgunner. Ixe2x80x99m going to raise more hell in the media for God, family and country conservative American values. Ixe2x80x99m going to kill more deer and donate more venison to my fellow needy Americans. I will trap and shoot more varmints. Ixe2x80x99m going to work on my trucks and cars more. Ixe2x80x99m going to improve the habitat and plant more trees on my properties. Ixe2x80x99m going to put more pressure on my elected officials nationwide to adhere to their Constitutional oath. I am going to fight harder against the scourge of liberalism destroying our great country. I am going to increase my support for cops, first responders and all military heroes and their families. I will go further out of my way to be polite and courteous to everyone, even the goofballs. I will increase further yet my positive spirit, goodwill and decency everywhere I go.
I will look to the heavens each and every day thanking the Good Lord for making me an American, and fight harder yet to bring peace, liberty and freedom to all peoples who will accept it.
2020 baby! Gonna be a blast!
Multi-platinum guitar legend TED NUGENT has a new full-length album THE MUSIC MADE ME DO IT, on Round Hill Records. The album is available now for order everywhere, and the title track xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d is available to download and stream wherever music is sold.
Ted Nugent xe2x80x93 xe2x80x9cThe Music Made Me Do Itxe2x80x9d (Official Music Video)
With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nationxe2x80x99s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include Ted, White & Blue xe2x80x94The Nugent Manifesto; God, Guns & Rock xe2x80x98nxe2x80x99 Roll and Kill It & Grill It.This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For all things Nuge, visit www.tednugent.com