Save a Deer, Eat a Deer; Save a Rhino, Eat a Rhino

Ted big buckPolitical correctness is not only a license to lie, it is also the cacophonic wailing of mindless excuses to live the lie. And it is a very dangerous lie for both man and beast.

By Ted Nugent 

Only a short 30 some years ago the magnificent African White Rhino was on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss for agriculture demands to feed starving people, out of control wanton poaching for some voodoo freaks’ insatiable demand for rhino horn macho symbolism and the insanity of animal rights goofballs banning hunting in many areas.

When corn and beans are more valuable than rhinos, agriculture wins and rhinos loose.

When the self-inflicted scourge of political correctness obscures science, logic, reason and truth, denial cultists can claim animals somehow have rights in between the BBQs, feeble people are scammed, hunting is banned, and there are no more revenues to pay for game departments or game wardens, so the poachers have at it.

Altogether now: DUH!!

Ted Nugent's celebrating hunting season the best way he knows how, by going hunting a lot and enjoying wild game meals every night with his family and friends!
Ted Nugent’s celebrating hunting season the best way he knows how, by going hunting a lot and enjoying wild game meals every night with his family and friends!

I know my BloodBrothers know this self-evident truth, but I imagine that you would be shocked at how many fellow hunters and or their families deny it when it comes to species other than our ubiquitous North American deer species.

Fortunately, real animal lovers and real conservationists do get this ultra-simple sustain-yield wildlife science, and we stepped in to do the right thing for rhinos.

Following the proven and successful methodology of sustain yield based regulated hunting that has produced the healthiest, most thriving return of game animals across North America, caring African landowners lobbied for a limited hunting season on White Rhinos.

By selling hunting licenses for older, beyond breeding or overtly aggressive trophy male rhinos, the huge revenues generated by hunters supported not only game wardens and agencies to study and monitor the beasts, but to also stop the indiscriminate slaughter of rhinos for their horns.

With rhinos now worth more than maze and tomatoes, many landowners were now willing to dedicate their vast acreage to increasing rhino populations brought about by the reduction of older males and the resultant increase in breeding females and their offspring.

The hunters got the excitement and the trophy, the native peoples got the precious meat and the landowners got a piece of the pie from licenses sold. Regional economies also got a boost in revenues for the licenses, permits, trophy fees, hotels, food, travel, supplies, tourism, guides, butchers and taxidermists.

Doe? Buck? Spike? Giant nontypical? Hunters have a variety of choices and should be able to make their own decisions to help wildlife populations.
Doe? Buck? Spike? Giant nontypical? Hunters have a variety of choices and should be able to make their own decisions to help wildlife populations.

White Rhino numbers went from a few hundred animals to more than 20,000 in a short time and continue to thrive.

What sort of PC dimwit could possibly be against such a success story? All sorts.

Animal rights scammers and other assorted con artists ripping off gullible people with the painfully emotional lie of “save the poor defenseless animals”, that’s who.

As a valuable big game species, the White Rhino is no longer endangered, and for anyone paying attention and honest enough to truly care about healthy wildlife populations, the jury is not still out; regulated hunting has always paid for successful wildlife management benefitting wildlife every time. Only soulless scammers claim otherwise.

Safari Club International member Cory Knowlton paid a whopping $350,000 for a Namibian Black Rhino permit to proceed with this same proven management system, and as predictable, the scammers and denial cultists fumbled forth with their big, stupid, insane lies and manufactured hate.

After decades of traveling around the world playing concerts and hunting, Uncle Ted knows the best things in life are at home with family, friends and the blessings we're granted each day.
After decades of traveling around the world playing concerts and hunting, Uncle Ted knows the best things in life are at home with family, friends and the blessings we’re granted each day.

It has always been the hunting families of the world that pay the billions and billions of dollars to safeguard and manage wildlife.

Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfowl, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, National Wild Sheep Foundation, Safari Club International, Dallas Safari Club, Houston Safaris Club, Austin Safari Club, Shikari Safari Club, National Wild Turkey Federation, Quail Unlimited, The Ruffed Grouse Society, Trout Unlimited, and many, many more hunting based conservation organizations pay for, manage, save and protect wildlife, both game and nongame species through habitat safeguarding and restoration and the value of proven regulated hands-on hunting, fishing and trapping.

Caring people support and salute Cory Knowlton for his generous effort on behalf of the magnificent African Black Rhino. As long as they are managed as a valued renewable resource, they will flourish and thrive.

If we could somehow throw off the embarrassing shackles of political correctness, we could save the Bengal Tiger and every other precious wildlife resource around the world. But if hunting remains banned on these endangered species, there will continue to be no incentive to pay for honest scientific management.

The liars at Peta and the Humane Society of the United States sure as hell won’t invest their millions of scammed dollars to do a damn thing, that’s for certain.

So the hunting families of the world will continue to fight for real animal rights; the right to healthy, balanced, valuable stable populations. Animals do have rights, to garlic and butter over coals.

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website here for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning With the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar!

Click the calendar to learn more ...

From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2015 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

The calendar features amazing whitetail deer photography, capturing deer in all the seasons and providing deer activity charts so you can plan your hunt. It’s not only the most useful calendar you’ll own, but quite possibly the ultimate gift for any deer hunter!

With the 2015 DDH Whitetails Wall Calendar you’ll learn:

  • When the seeking, chasing and tending phases of the rut will occur for North & South
  • Predicted dates of Major & Minor deer activity in 2015
  • Daily 2015 Moon-phase data
  • Peak rut activity for the 2015 season
  • When to plan your vacation around the 2015 whitetail rut

Get this amazing resource now and start plotting your hunting season!


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