I bet many of you believe as I do that the condition of our deer herds is in many ways directly connected to the condition of our quality of life. I know some casual deerhunters, two to be exact, but pretty much every deerhunter I know, and I know a bunch of em, agree with me that our hunting lifestyle pretty much defines who and what we are.
By Ted Nugent
On our Spirit of the Wild TV show for these many past 25 years, I often reverentially celebrate my kills by emphasizing that every hunt and every kill represents quintessential fun, sport, meat and trophy, each and every time, each and every hunt, each and every kill.
Like so many of you, I live this stuff year round, not just when I am in my treestand. I would venture to say that my far reaching deerhunting communication network may very well be the best deerhunting communication network in the world, and I take these daily communications to heart in a sincere effort to better and further my understanding of our predator instincts and responsibilities to never give up my pursuit of being the best damn deerhunter, conservationist and resource steward that I can possibly be.
From very wise oldtimers who have been at it for more than six and seven decades, to new gungho young hunters with a fiery passion for the sport, to the most highly educated masters of wildlife science and biology, I am confident that I grasp and live a well-rounded dynamo of exactly what the essence of deerhunting truly is.
As we settle down after a wonderful season, the deerhunter within us does not stop living and breathing deerhunting. Now is the time of year to fortify our relationship with the critters and the forces of the world within our control to make certain the new fawn crop is maximized and the laws and regulations surrounding our hunting life are science based and designed to optimize the health and condition of the habitat and our beloved herds.
There is much we can and must do, but I am convinced that one of the prime considerations has always been our demanding accountability from the bureaucrats we have elected to perform our scientific bidding on behalf of wildlife in general and our deer herds specifically.
In this day and age of embarrassing political correctness, the abject dishonesty of the animal rights scammers, when spineless bureaucrats succumb to such anti-wildlife nonsense, have created failed policies that end up costing our wasted tax dollars and wasted wildlife.
For years, the once thriving Wisconsin deer herds were decimated not only by dishonest bureaucrats falling for the CWD scam, but also by playing footsie with anti-hunting hippies that ended up over-protecting coyotes, bears and wolves.

In my beloved birth-state of Michigan, once competing with Wisconsin for the #1 hunting state in the nation, our DNR has been stumbling down the same irresponsible path for far too many years.
Write this down- having a restricted hunting season on coyotes is like having a restricted hunting season on mosquitos. Ridiculous.
The jury is not still out, and Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other states know damn well that there should be no killing restrictions on coyotes whatsoever, as even the all-out war on coyotes by the US government with gazzilions of wasted tax dollars had basically no effect on their populations.
The science is in and everyone knows that coyotes wreak havoc on fawn populations.
Add the irresponsible under-harvesting of black bears and the inexplicable protection of wolves in those states and across the country, and places like Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota will never regain a decent huntable population of whitetail deer.
Remember, wolves, coyotes and bears have no bag limits, no closed season, purchase no licenses, spend no revenues on hotels, food, lodging, travel, groceries, supplies, guides, outfitters, butchers, taxidermists or anything else.
We want healthy, balanced populations of wolves, bears, bobcats, cougars and coyotes. Those magnificent predators should be managed in the asset column of wildlife, but when under-harvested, they end up in the liability column like they currently are in some states.
Let us manage our elected employees properly so that we can properly manage our precious wildlife.
Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.
From Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the 2016 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2016 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.