Spiritmusic for Spirit Bloodbrothers

Ted Nugent has been rocking for more than 50 years and always celebrates America on Memorial Day weekend.
Ted Nugent has been rocking for more than 50 years and always celebrates America on Memorial Day weekend.

Deeranddeerhunting.com NugeBlog#42 here for y’all, written in a quaint little hotel room in the lovely town of Malmo, Sweden, as my killer band and I, adrift in a jetlag cosmos, wallow in the spiritual afterglow of yet another outlando ultraROCKOUT concert with 35,000 of my close personal R&B&R&R friends from all over the world.

By Ted Nugent

This is my third headliner at this global Sweden Rocks musical event, and the maniacal enthusiasm (is there any other form of enthusiasm? Not where I come from!) displayed by these gungho music lovers is refreshing and inspiring.

Black Sabath played last night with my old Detroit master drummer Tommy Clufetos at the helm of this iconic heavy metal band, good buddy Alice Cooper headlined the other night, and along with Foghat, Billy Idol, the amazing Joe Bonnamassa and more than 30 other bands, real rockers certainly had the time of their lives.

But with all due respect and painstaking humility, Ted Nugent and the Subhuman Mongrel band stole the show once again.

Now that’s not just my humble, subjective opinion. I heard it from everybody and witnessed it with my own eyes. Nobody outrocks old Uncle Ted, I think we all know that by now.

Even way over here in Scandinavia, they know exactly what to expect from their dear old gun nut, hunting fool, backstrap infested, freedom loving and demanding guitarslamming Uncle Ted.

And quite honestly, they love it all!

Ted Nugent deerA handful of protestors showed up as usual with barely discernable signs and scribbled placards condemning my guns and hunting lifestyle, but also as usual, the protestors are made up of 5-6 pierced and purple haired weirdo’s that are obviously hygiene challenged and look more like a disheveled Michael Moore fanclub than anything else. (is it possible for a Michael Moore fanclub to not be disheveled?)

Meanwhile an entire herd of real soulmusic loving humanity was here to celebrate a musical style and statement that, without me, would literally not be available to mankind. And not just because my band and music are better than the others, but mostly because my unbridled enthusiasm for freedom and individual rights simply does not exist over here on this continent.

The Ted Nugent thing is basically banned here and gone from the Euro gene pool, though there is no doubt that many of the people still feel it and certainly relate to it.

American freedom and rugged individualism explodes in every song I’ve ever written and every concert I’ve ever performed. I am sharing this with you all here at deeranddeerhunting.com because it is the freedom and independence that we all share and celebrate as deerhunting bloodbrothers that embody my spirit and attitude, and therefore my music and reputation.

And of course in these countries where they literally have been brainwashed to not exercise these instinctual pulses, they know deep down inside that they have them and do indeed desire to flex them. So my music touches them deeply and they literally go berserk when it is unleashed upon them.

They’ve never seen a Great White Buffalo or heard of Fred Bear, but they know who they are and all about their magical power through my songs!

Now I don’t know exactly how many readers we have here at deeranddeerhunting.com or what the overall musical preferences of everyone could be, but I am rather confident that most here know the song Fred Bear.

Fred Bear has been the #1 requested song in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few other states pretty much every year since the song came out way back in 1989. It is no coincidence that those three states just happen to be America’s top three deerhunting states.

With my brand new album SHUTUP&JAM! erupting across the country in the next few weeks, I thought it appropriate for me to celebrate the essence of my music here in my writings, as no other musician has produced hunting and nature songs like mine. In fact no other musician has created lovesongs quite like mine either.

There’s only one STRANGLEHOLD that’s for sure.

On my past records going all the way to 1967 with my Amboy Dukes, I have celebrated our hunting lifestyle in song. Soulful grinders like LOADED FOR BEAR, LIVIN IN THE WOODS, DR. SLINGSHOT, MIGRATION, GOOD NATURED EMMA, HIBERNATION, CALL OF THE WILD, GREAT WHITE BUFFALO, QUEEN OF THE FOREST, HOMEBOUND, FREE FLIGHT, EARTHTONES, SUNRIZE, AT HOME THERE, CRAVE, I SHOOT BACK, TOOTH FANG & CLAW, WORKIN HARD PLAYIN HARD, I JUST WANNA GO HUNTIN, SPIRIT OF THE WILD, PRIMITIVE MAN, and of course the ultimate hunting song about the great man, FRED BEAR.

Now some here are surely squawking that I am self-promoting my music. Ya think? I happen to love my music, love the unlimited inspirations for my music, and I hear from people all the time all over the world how my music lured them in and caused them to become hunters and gun owners, the songs’ messages were so believable and powerful.

So I’m just saying, there just happens to be a very powerful and dynamic musical soundtrack that goes with our hunting lifestyle, and I don’t think it’s just a rumor that so many hunters have shared with me how this universal communication of my music has actually helped intensify their days afield, cleansed their souls and believe it or not, how the driving emotion in my music they claim has actually helped them bag more deer.

I’m just saying.

Ted at full draw MathewsSo if you like killer hard rocking music from a backstrap infested fellow deerhunter, you just may want to look into some of my recordings, especially my new record SHUTUP&JAM! If it doesn’t bring a big smile across your face, well, there is nothing I can really do for you.

See you here next week as we chip away at summer in our headlong charge towards our magical fall hunting season. It’s been a great summer so far, and I for one am aiming for the best deerseason of my life. As I prepare to shutup & hunt, I will surely SHUTUP&JAM!

Do join us at the Ted Nugent facebook boogie where we celebrate and promote, never defend, the perfection of hunting, fishing, trapping and the ultimate America Dream of rugged individualism, hands-on conservation and the highest of highs as reasoning predators sharing The Great Spirit of the Wild with all the resources and technology at our disposal!

In this insidious culture war against commonsense, logic, self-evident truth and American Way, those of us engaged call it the “wallpaper carpetbomb boogie”, with hourly nonstop pre-emptive strikes and serious counterpunching against the enemies of freedom. Join us won’t you. It’s the we the people thing to do.

Keep up with Ted and his tour, news and more at www.TedNugent.com


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