No Child Before Their Time


Ted loves getting youngsters like grandson Finigan out to the range to learn about firearm safety and the fun of target practice!

Introducing youngsters to the fun and safe practices of firearms requires maturity from the parent and child to ensure a successful outcome.

Too painful and numerous to repeat here, the horror stories are heartbreaking and endless; a parent wanting desperately to introduce their young son and/or daughter to the joys of the shooting sports before they are truly ready.

That is a deadly and dangerous recipe for disaster and the evidence is far too widespread to ignore.

I have personally witnessed how some youngsters are ready, with ultra-structured guidance, for the intense discipline of the very serious business of firearms fun as early as their 5th or 6th birthday. But I have also witnessed the life threatening dangers of pushing a 10 year old before they are physically or psychologically capable of handling or processing all that which goes with safe handling and firing of a gun.

Ted’s grandson Caeden is all smiles on the range enjoying some target practice and plinking to improve his confidence and skills!

The undeveloped muscle weakness alone of a small boy or girl, not to mention their childish minds, is almost always enough of a concern to force us to wait a few years.

Even with the expert experienced control of a qualified rangemaster, the instantaneous physics of even minimal recoil is a deadly force to reckon with in the wrong hands.

A few proven tips that can be beneficial to a smooth, positive, fun, safe first firearm experience can make all the difference in the world in order to make it something they will not only always cherish, but eagerly wish to repeat often in life.

It’s not just about recruitment into the shooting sports, but more importantly, retention.

First of all, waiting can only be good for them. The young mind is so unsettled that it is often the case that the parent is the one wanting the kid to shoot more than the kid does.

Shemane practices regularly with her .38 Special to make sure she’s on target and confident!

Let them watch for as many years as possible until you are confident their little undeveloped brains and bodies can grasp and handle the shooting dynamic.

Now I must admit that I baptized my kids as early as 4 years of age, but did it with BB guns under ultra-strict hands-on control in the living-room shooting at proper targets at close range, one shooter and one shot at a time in short duration settings to keep the young minds focused and intrigued.

They graduated to single shot bolt-action rifles firing very low dB .22CB caps under the same controls a year or so later.

It wasn’t until they proved their fluid, disciplined, 100% safe 100% of the time handling of the rifle that we moved up to .22 shorts, then .22 longs, then .22 long rifle ammo, always with ear and eye protection with total focus on muzzle control and my ready hands always right there.

Orange claybirds at 20 or so feet up against a solid dirt backstop goes a long way in learning sight picture, breath and trigger control and instant understanding of where the bullets are hitting.

I would highly recommend that it is a rare kid under the age of 10 or 12 that should ever be allowed to shoot a firearm generating recoil more than a .22magnum.

Once a parent is certain their kid can handle some recoil, a properly fitted lever action rifle in .38special is probably the best bet for their next phase when possible.

Ted and Shemane visited with President Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office and White House in spring 2017, and was reassured of his commitment to the Second Amendment!

And here’s a great tip I don’t ever hear for moving up to shotguns: a proper-fitting recoil-padded .410 with the lightest target loads available, shooting at stationary claybirds sitting on a dirt backstop at 20 yards is the best way to have them learn how a scattergun functions, points and hits.

I assure you that the fun factor approached thusly will endear them no end to the joys of safe, controlled blasting away with a shotgun for the rest of their lives. Kids love blasting away! Everybody loves blasting away as long as it is safe and sound.

As universal as the “use enough gun” truism is for experienced shooters, so to should the self-evident truth of “don’t use too much gun” mantra be our guiding light when it comes to the shootist baptism procedure.

Shemane’s pretty handy with her suppressed .308 rifle in the field, too, and loves shooting and hunting with it!

As we plow forward fighting for the return of our precious 2nd Amendment rights in America, nothing is more important than crushing the vicious anti-gun propaganda ministry by introducing as many people as we can to the joys and pragmatism of the shooting sports as often as we can. When done the right way, we solidify the self-evident truth that unarmed and helpless is indeed unarmed and helpless and a very embarrassing irresponsible choice in life.

I personally have experienced untold happiness and fulfillment when introducing new shooters to this awe inspiring activity, sport, discipline, and lifestyle. As important as recruitment is, it is even more important to emphasize the importance of being a member of the National Rifle Association.

Hunting with handguns, shotguns, rifles and muzzleloaders is a blast! Ted loves his Glock although this Osceola turkey didn’t care too much for it.

You can visit to join the mighty NRA at a discount, immediately joining forces in the asset column of freedom in America. Though the 2nd Amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting, I believe with all my heart and soul that every hunter in America should be a member of the NRA, as they also fight relentlessly for basic hunting rights across the country.

As we enjoy our summer family time in exciting anticipation of the greatest hunting season of our lives, now is the best time for the win-win opportunity to expand our sport, expand our freedom warrior base and better prepare our friends and family for the fun and even life-saving realities of gun ownership and participation.

Keep and bear like you mean it. It’s an American thang!

Bonus from the Nuge!

(DDH Editor’s Note: Uncle Ted weighed in on a newspaper Q&A about proposed antler point restrictions (APR) in Michigan and shared it with you. Here are the Qs and As!)

The Q
: Do you support statewide antler point restrictions for Michigan?

Nuge: APRs divide hunters. No matter how many are for them, some will be against, and it isn’t worth dividing our troops. APRs are not founded in science, just preference. They should be left up to private landowners. Not the state. We have enough regulations already.

The Nuge isn’t a fan of mandated antler point restrictions and believes personal choice is the best way to go.

The Q: Ohio and Indiana currently have one buck per year rules in place, but they also have smaller deer herds than Michigan, have you seen or hunted in other states that have benefitted from APRs?

Nuge: I know of no statewide regulations where APRs have had true effect on antler production. Again, leave this to private landowners. Neighbors need to learn how to get along outside of having state regulations passed. I view antler regs as similar to 50″ size limits on muskies on some waters. Most guys who fish muskies want to release them. There are some who wouldn’t mind filleting one just like a northern. There is no science that backs up a 50″ size limit other than the self interests of one group (trophy fishermen).

The Q: The DNR has seen the growth of more mature bucks in the “Northwest 12” area in northwest Michigan that has had APRs (at least 3 points on one side…2016 deer check stations reported over 70 percent of deer checked were 2.5 years or older) since 2013, but said adding more APR zones needs to be studied further. They’re concerned about the spread of CWD with more mature cervids wandering around…yet they admit that applying APRs would help the doe hunt numbers rise due to hunters not being able to take spike and forked-antlered deer…thus helping the issue of CWD by thinning the deer that tend to congregate more often.

Nuge: First, a 2-year-old buck isn’t mature. Second, there is no evidence – not scientific anyway – that suggests this would in any way help with CWD efforts. The true science is complicated, as you know. If anything, more mature bucks in the herd would increase CWD prevalence in areas that have CWD, because the disease usually manifests itself in mature animals. Also, dispersing young males (they typically disperse twice by the time they’re 2) would make disease spread concerns even more of a concern.

Long story short, trying to dissect what real science we have in order to spin it in favor of APRs is a really big stretch, IMO.

With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include “Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto;” “God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “Kill It & Grill It.” This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode!  For allthings Nuge, visit


Maximize Your Deer Season Planning With the 2017 Whitetails Wall Calendar!

gift-guide-calendarFrom Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2017 Whitetails Wall Calendar is your top deer hunting resource! Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

Get your calendars now!


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