I love life! I mean I really really love life! I love waking up every day! I love spring and summer and fall and winter. I love my wife and family and my dogs and my friends as much as a man can love anything.
I love my guitars and love creating my music and unleashing it upon real musiclovers everywhere all these years.

I love my bows and arrows and guns and my trucks and my land and my tools. I love silence and really loud soulful music.
I love food and I love cooking.
I love a good hard days work.
I love wildlife and all the stimulating nature that goes with it.
I so dearly love America and freedom.
There is so much in life to love that I am often amazed how I have enough love to go around.
But there must be a more powerful word and feeling than love to describe my passion for the amazing month of November.
I don’t just love November, I actually crave November with an unbridled animal affliction, an obsession, maybe even a dangerous, inexplicable psycho addiction.
This here NugeBlog isn’t long enough to adequately convey my love for November, so suffice it to say that I will live and breathe and hunt each November day with all the gusto and fire I can summon, taking in all that powerfully unique Novemberness of it all that I can force into each of my loving days.
A great man named George Nicholls was born on November 1st, way back in the 1920s, and this old bowhunter taught me an awful lot about ambushing and killing whitetail deer with the bow and arrow in our sacred Michigan swamps.
George was the first Michigan bowhunter to tag a bowkilled deer on the first experimental Michigan bowhunting deer season on November 1st, 1947 with his trusty yew wood longbow and Port Orford cedar arrows that he made himself.

George ran his Jackson Archery Shop in Jackson Michigan back in the 1940s and 1950s and he made all the arrows for Fred Bear back in those exciting early days of modern bowhunting.
George has been gone now for many years, but I sure feel old George at my side pretty much each day I am out and about with my bow and arrow, oftentimes sitting quietly in a treestand that he originally helped me set up.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve arrowed a nice buck on George’s birthday, as every bowhunter knows that the two greatest days of deerhunting are on Halloween and November 1st.
In fact, the entire phenomenal month of November provides me with the best deerhunting, duck hunting and woodcock, grouse and pheasant hunting of the year, and by the end of November, me and my dogs Happy and Sadie are pretty much worn out and ready for some serious rest.
If ever there was a month where spending the entire day in the deerwoods made sense, it would certainly be the month of November.
I am here to tell you that the likelihood of killing a deer midday or any time of day for that matter would be optimal during the magical wildlife flurry month of November.
So get your prime predator on my deerhunting BloodBrothers. It is upon us, and this is no time to dilly dally. The bucks are chasing and running helter-skelter, so we should be too!
Pack a lunch and a thermos. Take an extra heavy-duty double ziplock pee-bag and everything you may need for an allday sit. The planets are aligned, the critters are up and moving, and now is the time for serious, gungho backstrappers to get after ‘em like we mean it!

No wonder Thanksgiving is in November!
Happy November everybody. May your deerwoods stink of tarsal goo, and may the buck of your dreams make that November mistake and look the other way, broadside at 20 yards, foreleg extended and inviting the arrow of your dreams to disconnect the mighty pumpstation for venison glory!
Aim small, miss small, hunt hard, and make November 2017 the greatest November of your life!
With more than 40 million albums sold, rock legend Ted Nugent is equally well known as the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-American interviews in major media worldwide. Nugent is a New York Times best-selling author whose works include “Ted, White & Blue —The Nugent Manifesto;” “God, Guns & Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “Kill It & Grill It.” This year, his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show celebrates its 500th episode! For allthings Nuge, visit www.tednugent.com
Maximize Your Deer Season With this 2018 Whitetails Calendar!
From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2018 Whitetails Calendar is your top deer hunting resource! Whether in print or digital format, use this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.