Ted Nugent: Irrational CWD Fears Are Hurting the Hunting Tradition

When a doe needs to hit the ground, it's more backstraps and meat for the grill!
When a doe needs to hit the ground, it’s more backstraps and meat for the grill!

Lord knows how I really hate to write these types of articles, but in this real world of fluctuation, in order to maximize the good, caring people must never back away from our “we the people” duties to fight the bad and ugly.

By Ted Nugent

I won’t bore you with the gory details of how chronic wasting disease was 1st discovered/created by Colorado bureaucrats back in 1967, or the technical scientific terminology gobblygook, but a cursory review of the documented facts surrounding this controversial condition found in deer should raise the hackles of all honest conservationists and deer lovers nationwide.

CWD has never negatively impacted any deerherd or deerhunting anywhere, whereas just a few short years ago, much to the anger of Wisconsin deerhunting families, Wisconsin, in their bizarre unsupportable over-reaction, slaughtered a few hundred thousand deer in that historically traditional deerhunting state. CWD didn’t hurt the Wisconsin herd, the CWD “eradication effort” did!!

And now, continuing the same insane mistake, the Michigan is doing the same horrible thing after finding a single doe that tested positive. Since destroying another couple thousand deer, no more cases of CWD have been found as of this writing.

And now Texas! I thought Texans knew better.

Dear God in heaven! What is going on here? CWD didn’t kill thousands of deer. The government agency sworn to protect and manage this precious resource and paid by hunters killed thousands of deer.

I dare anyone to attempt to explain this in honest, logical, scientifically supportable terms. Ain’t gonna happen. Can’t be done.

Some hunters prefer a specific caliber for long-range shots such as out west for mule deer or whitetails.
Some hunters prefer a specific caliber for long-range shots such as out west for mule deer or whitetails.

CWD was 1st identified/created in a Colorado testing facility operated by the state. CWD did NOT come from deer farms or hunting ranches. It was first discovered in wild mule deer.

When a deer at an Iowa deer farm was found to be positive for CWD, the Iowa DNR came in a killed every deer on the family property, destroying their livelihood with no believable explanation whatsoever.

Compare this action to the game department of South Dakota when the highest incidence of CWD was found in their Wind River park elk herd. When the infected elk herd outgrew the carrying capacity of that high fence state preserve, South Dakota simply lowered the fence to allow the exposed elk to escape into the Custer National Park.

Iowa violently over-reacted with ZERO science or evidence to support their actions, destroying the private property of a family, while the state of SD admitted that the CWD exposed elk posed no risk to wild herds of deer and elk.

Hey bureaucrats, which is it? A dangerous wildlife threat or no threat at all? Good grief.

CWD doesn’t pose a threat to deer. EHD, blue tongue, rabies, brusellosis, anthrax and other real diseases and bureaucrats have indeed hurt wildlife and deer. Why the hysteria over a non-threatening disease/condition?

I love deer. My life has forever been dedicated to optimize the health and bio-diversity of deer and wildlife. My lifetime earnings have been dedicated to perfecting wildlife habitat for game and nongame species because I am a reasoning predator and gungho steward.

Like millions and millions of American deerhunting families and real wildlife lovers, deer and all wildlife bring us prime quality of life.

Since CWD has never hurt wildlife in the big picture, but government bureaucrats have, I would highly recommend caring people do everything in our power to protect wildlife from real, tangible threats.

I implore my deeranddeerhunting.com BloodBrothers to watch this entire CWD documentary by Keith Warren. Then dare bureaucrats to attempt to deny it.

CWD is a scam and for the life of me cannot figure out why it is being jammed down our throats. Stand up and fight for what you believe in my friends. It really is us against them. Do it for our beloved deer and lifestyle.

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website here for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


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Click the calendar to learn more ...

From Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, the 2015 Whitetails Wall Calendar features the work of deer researchers Wayne Laroche and Charlie Alsheimer, who reveal the 2015 whitetail rut prediction, based on years of lunar cycle research. Utilize this deer moon phase calendar to find out which days the deer will be seeking and chasing, so you can time the rut for the best time to hunt.

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1 thought on “Ted Nugent: Irrational CWD Fears Are Hurting the Hunting Tradition

  1. Thanks again Ted for standing up for truth when it would be easier just to go with the politically correct flow. It has already helped! TPWD and TAHC have backed off their initial plan to go kill all the deer and are going to do some valid research instead.

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