The Cuter the Critter, the Sweeter the Meat!

Uncle Ted enjoys all kinds of hunting, from bushytails to big bucks!
Uncle Ted enjoys all kinds of hunting, from bushytails to big bucks!

Squirrels! Limbrats! Nutbusters! Bushytails! Aim small miss small tree scramblers!

I’m telling you, some of my most powerful, exciting hunts and memories were stalking the timber for some hard earned tree-scampers with my little Winchester Model 63 .22 semi-auto and an ancient Weaver four power scope.

By Ted Nugent

Every September since I can remember was celebrated as squirrel season, just as important as opening day of deerseason to me! Of course my fall hunts have always been a smorgasbord of various critters from pheasant, grouse, woodcock, snipe, ducks, geese, turkey, doves, rabbits, deer and of course the ubiquitous bushytails in the sacred forests!

I would usually grab the old sniper .22, sometimes the 12 gauge with some field 6s, but often opted for my Smith & Wesson Model 17 .22 revolver or even my bow and arrow or slingshot. Talking about aim small miss small!

Gun or bow with bushytails? Sure!
Gun or bow with bushytails? Sure!

Consistently killing these cagey, elusive little boogers with any weapon takes some serious woods-smart sneaky stealth and a major dose of Sgt. York marksmanship, but no matter what the choice of methodology, bagging yummy squirrels for the pot will ultimately help improve our deerhunting prowess exponentially.

I hunt squirrels the exact same way I hunt deer; in pre-scouted, silent position before dawn, sunrise at my back, full Mossy Oak camo, waiting patiently for the telltale sign of treetop action. With the hunting pressure I put on all game on my hunting grounds, everything is ultra-alert and maniac cautious on the life and death lookout for armed guitar players with garlic and butter on the brain.

Bowhunting for squirrels definitely can put some confidence in your shooting and accuracy!
Bowhunting for squirrels definitely can put some confidence in your shooting and accuracy!

Before deerseason kicks off, my squirrel hunting time is the most enjoyable and efficient way of scouting for deer sign and deer activity. And limbrats are some of the best eating Ma Nature has to offer.

We love our big game, but never lose sight of the good old days of youth stalking these a wonderful smallgame critter. The little guys can teach us much about bagging the bigger guys.

When it comes to hunting, enjoying whatever game you pursue with bow, crossbow, rifle, handgun, muzzleloader or modern sporting rifle is what it's all about! Enjoy the outdoors!
When it comes to hunting, enjoying whatever game you pursue with bow, crossbow, rifle, handgun, muzzleloader or modern sporting rifle is what it’s all about! Enjoy the outdoors!

Ted Nugent is an award-winning musician and writer, with numerous best-seller books including “Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto,” “God, Guns and Rock ‘n Roll,” and “Kill It and Grill It: A Guide to Preparing and Cooking Wild Game and Fish” with his wife, Shemane, among other books. Be sure to check out his website for more news on his latest music, thoughts and upcoming shows in 2015, and also at World News Daily, Newsmax and Daily Caller for more insights.


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